• Twenty One •

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As we drove through the city, the rain started to fall heavier and heavier with every passing minute. My eyes followed the rain drops slowly making their way down the window. Harry pulled me out of my trance as he grabbed my hand and interlaced his fingers with mine. My gaze wandered at his eyes, which weren't looking at me at all. He could feel my stare on him as he began smiling, while he continued to stare out of the window. I looked out of my window again and saw that the O2 World wasn't that far from us anymore.

"Miss Hemmings, before we bring you in there, we have to inform you, that today the back of the arena is filled with fans." The security guy in the passenger seat informed me. "It's fine, I don't care about that any longer." I replied to him and he nodded understanding. "We made a little area for Mr. Hemmings and his colleagues to give autographs and take pictures with their fans, so they will not crowd our vans." He went on and I nodded at the information he gave me. "Alright. How crowded was the area when you left?" the question popped in my mind. "There weren't many, but I guess there will be more now that it is almost lunch time." the man answered casually. "Thank you." I told him and looked at Harry's and mine intertwined hands. As much as I loved holding hands with him, we had to stop it when we go outside. We aren't even dating and people may it get it wrong if they picture us holding hands.

The van drove down the driveway of the arena and past a few dozen fans. They stopped hammering against the windows with their hands when they noticed it was Harry and me in the car. We let go of each others hand really quick and just waved at the boys and girls outside. Slowly and carefully the man on the steering wheel made a way through the mob of people. After a few more minutes we were at the back entrance. Only a few metres parted us from the fence the security put up to keep the fans away. Just in the moment Harry and me climbed out of the van, Michael and Ashton walked out all smiley. "Hey Junior!" Michael shouted over to me and waved. "Hey Styles!" he also greeted Harry and walked up to us. Ashton was completely silent and didn't even look at us. His eyes were focused on the group of people.

"In a better mood now? Did you get another hour of sleep?" Michael asked, opening the water bottle he held in his hands. "My mood is better, even though he knocked on my door a few minutes after you boys left." the words obviously amusing Michael as he started smiling. "Did you at least try the breakfast in the café?" he went on. "We did." Harry replied to Michael. My eyes were on Ashton. I could tell that he was forcing himself not to look at me and Harry. The pain and the sadness were visible in his hazel eyes.

My eyes wandered from Ashton over Michael, to Harry and fell back on Ashton in the end. Harry and Michael were talking about the breakfast at the hotel so I decided to try and lighten Ashton's mood. His eyes were still on the fans, who were screaming our names. "Hey Ash, wanna go over and meet some fans?" I asked him, smiling. He turned and looked at me. "Sure why not?" he said emotionless and started to walk towards them. Breathing in deeply I followed him and smiled as soon as we came closer to the fans, just like he did. "Wait. Do you have a pen?" he suddenly asked, looking at me. "Uhm no, but I guess they will have some?!" I shrugged and he nodded. "I guess you're right with that, sorry." he laughed and walked to the fence. As we approached the fans, they literally started screaming. Everyone was trying to be the loudest so they would get noticed and get their pictures and autographs. Ashton was a few metres away from me. He was happy, I could tell by the way his eyes were shining as he took pictures and signed some things. My gaze wandered back on the fans in front of me. Signing stuff and taking pictures had always been one of my favourite things, simply because you get to know your fans better. While talking to a boy around my age and taking a picture with him, I noticed a girl. The girl was standing a bit away from the others

She was just staring at me smiling, she wasn't freaking out at all or shouting to get my attention. After the picture with the boys, my eyes fell on her once more. My feet brought me over to where she was standing. Suddenly it hit me, she was the girl with the sign from my concert in London. "What's your name?" I asked her as she handed me a paper to sign. "Jessica." she answered silently and shy. "I guess I have to thank you then for making the sign Jessica." I told her and she looked at me confused. "You're welcome, but why thank me for the sign?" she asked as she took the signed paper from me. "You opened my eyes and made me gain the courage to end the secret and let you see the girl behind." I smiled at her and soon she broke out into a huge smile. "Thank you very much for that." the words left my mouth and I pulled her into a hug that lasted longer than the others. "You're welcome." she claimed.

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