• Thirteen •

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Liam knocked on my room door polietly. "Come in!" I said and he opened it smiling. "How was dinner with your dad?" He asked as he sat down on the edge of the bed. "Quite Good." Warmly he smiled again and let himself fall on his back, his legs still hanging off the edge.

"So tell me, whats going on?" He turned to me and watched me carefully. " I don't really know where to start. There is so much to talk about." I sighed and he bit his lip in thought. "Maybe start with that Ashton thing you didn't want to talk about in front of Niall and Harry?"

"To be honest I didn't want Harry to hear that, Niall could've heard it. But that's another thing I will explain later." I said and Liam still stared at me awaiting.
"Okay so Ashton, he told me that he is in love with me." I remarked really quick. Liam sat up straight, assuring himself that he heard me right. "He is what?" He asked shocked. "In love with me and he told me in the school hallway shortly before he accidently made a comment that almost revealed everything." My eyes found their way to my hands, which fiddled with the end of my shirt. "Does that have to do with why he may have made the comment? I mean, Niall said that he would do such things only on purpose." He sat as he shifted his weight onto his elbow.

"Well I told him I didn't love him back and that may be why he was upset?" I more questioned. "But you didn't say it like that, did you? Please tell me you didn't." Liam pleaded. "Oh my goodness, Liam no of course I didn't! I'm not heartless! I said I was really sorry and that I understand if he's or better that he is upset but I don't have the same feelings for him." "Aww that's so cute." He pouted. "Liam, that's not the point. The thing is, I feel so bad for him, because I can imagine how hard it is to get rejected like that. And Luke freaked out completely when Ashton told him he loves me." I went on and Liam listened carefully to every word that came out of my mouth.
"I mean, yes it is hard to get rejected and it might be even harder because you are his best mates little sister and you are all so close and you grew up together. Yet he will get on with it. And you can't force yourself into loving someone." He explained to me calmly.

"Then tell me why does it hurt me so much? Why does it affect me so much?" My words filled with desperation. "Because he is your best friend Emily. You have been with him for years and whenever he was in pain you were too and now that you more or less broke his heart..." Liam stopped in the mid of his sentence.
"I just feel awkward now whenever he's around." I said and Liam nodded. "It might be like that for a while now, but eventually that feeling will go away and you two will be able to be normal again around each other. What I respect about his behaviour is, that he had the courage to tell Luke and stand his point." Liam mentioned and I nodded eagerly.
"If I was him, I would've never told Luke."

"And what exactly does all of this have to do with Harry?" Liam questioned.
"Well, you know when you asked me earlier about having a boyfriend? When Harry acted so awkward?" "Of course I remeber Em!" Liam said, almost hurt. "Okay.." I laughed " So I don't have a boyfriend, but I may have a crush on Harry." I said, biting my lip hardly right after the words left my mouth. Liam began to smile, showing his teeth in the process. "Em are you serious?" He asked me again. "Yeah. And that's why I didn't answer your question back then." I said and Liam's smile grew even bigger.
"Can you stop smiling at me like that? It's scary." I replied and he shook his head.
"Oh my god, I can't believe it. I've been waiting for this for almost two years now." He said triumphant and I gave him a confused look. "You what?" I asked, securkng myself I understood him correctly.

"I've been shipping the two of you for years now. Of course neither of you did know, but you two would be so good together." Liam cheered. "Alriiight, anyways, do you know why he acted so different at your's today?" My thoughts going back to the early afternoon. "Have you ever thought about him maybe liking you?" Liam asked, suddenly really serious. "No. Because someone like me would never have a chance to date THE Harry Styles." I said, looking at my hands shyly. "Emily." "Liam!" I started. "There are millions of girls who love him to death as well. He could have anyone he wants, so why would he even pick me?" "Because you have one thing they will never have." Liam remarked. "And that would be what?" "You have been literally best friends for years. You do even know him better than I do." Liam justified.

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