• Twenty Four •

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After Harry left my room, I found myself longing for a cold shower. Thirty minutes down in the café, that's what Harry told me, so I had enough time to get ready. Surprisingly the time that I needed to get ready in the morning (showering, making my hear, getting dressed) was actually shorter than the time my brother - for example - needed. Lazily I left my bed - in the bathroom I found myself in the shower, letting cold water hit my skin. Breathing in deeply, I thought about everything that happened last night. Harry had asked me to be his girlfriend, the girls and me were finally on good occasions again. Nothing could be any better at the moment. After I stepped out of the shower, blow drying my hair and getting dressed - I still had some time left until the boys would go downstairs. Battling, wether to wait in the hallway of our floor or waiting downstairs - downstairs won by far. 

Grabbing my keys I left the hotel room and walked down the hallway until I approached the elevator, who was already on our floor. Pressing the lobby button, I leaned against the wall. The doors opened again and I walked into the café. Next to the buffet, on a table for two, my parents were seated. I walked over to them, wishing them a good morning. "Good Morning sweetie. Did you sleep well?" my mother wanted to know and I nodded at her. To be honest I hadn't slept as good as I did that night - with Harry - for a long time. "That's nice to hear. Listen, your father and me will fly back home after breakfast, please make sure to get your flight this evening." my mother explained to me. "All right. We will go for a swim today - guess I'll get my flight then. Even if I miss it, I'll be home before school starts tomorrow." My mother smiled satisfied, so did my father. "Have a good flight then sweetie." my father commene. "You,too." We said our goodbyes, just as the boys walked in. My parents called Luke over to tell him goodbye, while me and the boys started filling our plates.

We sat down at a huge table, so we didn't need to sit separated. We were sitting close to the spot Harry and me had been sitting yesterday morning - again my eyes were more focused on what was going on outside. Michael snapped his fingers in front of me, bringing me out of my trance. "Sorry, what did you say?" I asked him, hoping he would repeat himself. "We want to leave right after breakfast. Is that okay for you?" Michael smirked. "Sure it's fine with me." The rest of the breakfast contained mostly silence and Liam asking me a few different things about my future - which I couldn't answer at all, as I didn't have anything planned yet. "No plan for the future? You're graduating in two weeks!" he claimed shocked by my answer. "Well there's not much I'd have to worry about." shrugging it off maybe too quickly. "But don't you want to study?" he bragged on about it. "I have never thought about it. You see, I have a successful career at the moment, so I see no point in studying something. And it would be another 6 semesters of stress, with no time to learn for university at all." I answered him trying to defend myself. "But don't you want to do something else beside singing in your life?" Michael suddenly took part in the discussion. "Not momentarily. I've still got my 5-year plan running. And I'm currently only in year 3." Arguing back didn't seem to end in my favours. The boys always found something which would defeat my way of arguing. 

"Then tell me, if you were forced to study.. what would you want to do?" Ashton asked interested. "Basically I would go to Juilliard in New York City. They actually would take me in directly." I replied to Ashton, who looked at me with wide eyes, so did the other boys. "What do you mean they would directly take you in?" Luke looked at me incomprehensible. "A few weeks ago I got a letter from The Juilliard Academy of Performing Arts, asking me to study there. They'd pay all my tuiton." Everyone looked at me impressed, except for Luke. He just stared at me - what was he thinking about? "And you want to just muck it up?" he asked me, suddenly more than serious. "Luke, as much as I appreciate their effort. I don't want to study, I really don't." I more whispered, as Luke just shook his head. With a loud scrunch of his chair, Luke stood up, looking at me angrily and left. "See you all in the bus." was all he said as he walked out of the room. "Wow. Junior I have never seen him in that mood." Michael stated calmly from beside me. "Me neither." I responded to him sadly. "Never seen him angry with you at all." Harry threw in. My eyes were focused on the chair, where Luke was sitting a few seconds ago. "He's not angry. He's dissappointed." the words left my mouth. You could clearly hear that I didn't believe I was actually saying that about my own brother. 

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