• Fifteen •

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My mum was already waiting for us at the airport gate. She smiled widely when she saw my dad and me coming through the door.
"Hello you two." She chirped as she gave my dad a kiss and hugged me at the same time.
"How was Luke's birthday party?" My mum asked excited and I shrugged. "It was good I guess. A lot of people were there, but everything went really well." I answered her question, while she hang on my words. "How was the concert?" She asked my dad. "It started out pretty good, but it didn't end decent." He said as he looked at me. My eyes went down to my feet and I felt a lump in my throat again, which I somehow managed to get away.
"What was wrong?" My mother wanted to know. I could tell that she was really worried.

"A girl held up a sign on which she wrote, the world wanted to finally see the girl behind and it was too much for her to handle. The One Direction guys were all there but none of them managed to calm her down. Harry stayed over and drove us to the airport, he was the only one able to distract her." My dad explained to his wife as she listened carefully.

"We need to change something!" My mum said, looking at me lovingly. "I will. This week in Berlin with Luke." I said barely above a whisper and my parents looked at me confused.
"I will reveal everything, I can't stand this secret stuff any longer." I confidently responded.
My parents looked at me surprised, but didn't say another word.

In silence we made our way to the car. My mum drove me to school straight away and just as planned, I made it in time for my first class on a monday morning.
The bell rang just as I entered the class room. My friends looked at me all happily and waved.
Our teacher walked into the room when I had just placed myself into the seat next to Hailey.

I put my backpack onto the table so when I needed it, I could easily get my books and pencils out.
The girls all looked at me awaiting, while our teacher started the lesson.
"What?" I asked in a hushed tone.
"How was he?" Chelsea asked with sparkling eyes.
"How was who?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"Stop joking, how was it to meet him?" Amy asked really excited.
"Tell us." Hannah said and now it finally clicked who they referred to.

"You mean Harry?" I asked blushing and the all nodded smiling.
"Well he is really kind and charming. He's got a good sense of humour and is really sensitive and courteous." I smiled and they all looked at me in awe.
"I wish I had your life." Amy said and sighed. "You don't trust me." I said and opened my backpack. My eyes widened when I saw that Harry's sweater was still in it.
I took him out and put it in my lap, so I could get my books out.
Hailey grabbed the sweater and looked at it curiously.

"That's a huge sweater for your size." She mentioned and the other girls eyed the hoodie.
"Hey I've seen it before." Chelsea said and bit her lip in thought.
"Yeah that dude in the bus has the same one, but it's not his huh?" Hannah said and I denied. "It's my older brothers hoodie. Had it in London with me, cause mine were all in the washer." I said casually and hoped they would believe my lie.

Gladly they did and we could concentrate on the rest of the lesson.
Soon we were seated in our usual spots in the cafeteria.
Hannah scrolled through her twitter timeline, while we others did either homework or ate something.

"Oh my god, I'm soo jealous. Harry was at Emily Hemmings concert yesterday, as well as Louis, Niall and Liam." She said and pulled me out of my math homework. "Aren't they all best friends?" I asked her as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"They are, at least I think they are. I'm not sure because aren't they best friends with Luke?" Hannah drifted off. "Sometimes siblings share best friends Hannah, you know." Amy said and referred to her and her older brother.
"My brother and me both have the same best friend." Amy went on. "Your neighbour right?" Chelsea asked and Amy nodded her head.

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