• Twenty Two •

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Luke turned to look at me, awaiting an answer. Sighing I stood up and walked over and stopped next to him. Daring to look into Ashton's eyes I fought back tears that were threatening to fall again. "Emily I am sorry." Ashton breathed out and looked at his feet. "Sorry or what? I'm the one in need to apologize to you. I gave you false hopes." still with a shaky voice I stood my point. "No you didn't and that's the thing. I know that you like Harry and I should've walked after im and explain everything to him, but I didn't." Ashton answered confidently. "I should've loosened my grip around you and shouldn't have kept on holdig you when he burst through the door." He went on and bit his lip. His hand ran through his messy hair. "I'm sorry Em." he apologized once more and then left. My eyes followed him until he was out of sight. Turning around, Luke was already looking at me. "Loyal." he simply said and sat down on the couch again. "You should go and look for Harry." Luke suggested and I nodded at him.

"Good Luck." Luke wished me before I left the room. Looking left and irght I decided where I hould go to look for him. Liam walked out of the men's bathroom to my right. He locked eyes with me and smiled. "Are you looking for something?" he asked as he closed the door behind him. "Harry." I stated dryly and he nodded. "He said something about the top of the bleachers earlier." Liamtold me and I walked in the direction of the stage. Slowly I looked through some kind of curtain, only to see that the fans were already let into the arena. "Shit." I more yelled. "Looking for something?" a male voice behind me asked angrily and I noticed it was Harry's. I turned around and looked into his eyes. Just by that I could tell he wasn't only hurt, but also furious, even though he didn't want to show it. "Maybe your little boyfriend Ashton, huh? He's in his dressing room." Harry stated and was about to walk away, but I grabbed him by his wrist. "Harry wait." I whispered and just when I thought he didn't hear me, he turned around. He looked down at me angrily. "What?" he nearly shouted and I took a few steps back. "Harry I as looking for you. Not Ashton. No matter what you think, it wasn't what it looks like." My voice was starting to get shaky again.

"Are you sure? Because I am sure as hell it was exactly what it looked like." he asked me, crossing his arms over his chest. "Harry I don't like Ashton. Well I like him, but like a brother and definitely not the way you may assume right now." I tried to explain but Harry scoffed and turned around. He started to walk away, but I ran past him and stopped him. "Please just listen to me. Harry please. I don't love Ashton and I would never ever do that. I am in love with another boy. Seriously." Tears were already falling, but I didn't care about anything. Harry needs to listen and blieve me, I would never forgive myself if I lost him. "Another boy? You got to be kidding me." He asked me rolling his eyes and by now I slowly got angry as well. "You know what Harry? I don't even get why I am trying. You should know that you can trust me and I don't get why you are so god damn jealous. He was just hugging me and nothing more." the words left my mouth. He tensed up and his hands balled into fists. "Emily this isn't funny. I don't even know if I can trust you at all. How do I know you're not having anything with him or maybe Michael or Calum?" He shouted at me. "Are you fucking serious. I've grown up with them, I know them too long and too good to even think about liking them in that certain way. But I could ask you the same question. How can I trust you that you don't sleep with every second girl you get the number of, huh?" Yelling back at him he suddenly let his shoulders fall. "You really think I would do something like that?" he whispered hurt. "No, I don't know it's just...you never mentioned a crsuh or a girlfriend in all these years I've known you. For me it's hard to believe that all these years there hasn't been anyone by your side, because let's be honest you could have anyone you want and I just don't get why you are so jealous each time I talk to a male." My mind was racing, my heart was beating at the speed of light.

His facial expression softened and he looked at me somehow embarassed. "Emily, the reason why I never introduced you to a girl is, because I have never had one since I met you and I have never wanted since I met you. And I never told you about any crushes, because I've been having the same for years now." he admitted blushing and I looked at him puzzled. "For years? But why have you never told her then?" I asked silently. Was I ready to hear an answer to that? "I guess I just didn't have the courage or the time wasn'r right." he shyly replied. "She must be a really happy girl then." sadly the words escaped my lips and he sighed. "She doesn't know yet." he went on. Looking to my feet and then locking eyes with him again I said: "You should go and tell her then soon. Eventually she will find someone else and I don't want you to get hurt ever." I answered. He looked at me, but didn't say a word. Quickly fake smiling I turned and walked away.

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