• Twenty Six •

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When I woke up I was already wearing a light smile on my lips. Today around afternoon Harry would arrive. To be honest I think that he had never been at our house in germany before. Usually Luke and me would fly over to London to meet up with him and the rest.
Walking downstairs, a scent of pancakes and coffee was hitting my nostrils. "Good Morning Mummy." I chirped at my mother, who was entering the dinig room at the same time as me. "Good morning sunshine." She miled at me. This was the very first time after a long time period, that I was as happy as she was in the morning. "Did you sleep well?" Mum wanted to know, while she put a plate full of pancakes on the table. "Yes. Really looking forward to this afternoon." I smiled up at her and she ruffled through my hair. "Harry seems to have a good influence." She grinned and I blushed. "What do you mean?" I asked her curious. "I don't know. He seems to always cheer you up and motivate you."
Mum sat down on the other side of the table. Still grinning at her remark I filled my plate with pancakes and put some nutella on it. "Well I don't know how he does it, but I'm glad I'm having friends like him." The words left my smiling mouth. Mum chuckled at my comment - without her saying it, I knew that she was also glad for me. "Remember that you have to pick him up at 2:30pm. I'm sadly still at school then." Pouting I stuffed another pancake in my mouth. "Don't worry Emily. I won't forget him." My mother laughed and got herself another pancake.
"Talking about school, you have to hurry up or you'll be late again." She claimed as she looked at her watch. "Mmmh you're right. See you tonight Mum." I said as I sprinted to get my backpack. "Have fun Emily." She yelled after me.
Walking faster than usual I made it just in time for the first period. The girls were reliefed as they saw me entering the room. "We were worried you wouldn't attend lesson today because of Harry." Amy told me worried. "Chill, Harry's coming in the afternoon and mum will pick him up from the airport. And I have school, so I can't stay at home." I beamed at her smiling. The periods today seemed to last forever. My mind was always somewhere else, but never with the topic of the lesson. Around lunch time I saw John for the first time of the week. I was sitting alone at a huge table, as the girls were still getting their food. Weakly he smiled at me and sat down. "Hey Emily." He breathed out as he sat down. He didn't dare to look me in the eyes. "John are you okay?" I asked him, knowing something wasn't right. "Yes I am, I just don't know how to behave in front of you, now that you - well." He admitted, his cheeks getting a bit rosy. "Just treat me like always. I'm not different, really." I sighed and pushed my tray away. "Everyone's acting like I am some kind of alien. I haven't changed just because I finally ended all the secret shit." I whispered, my voice really slow. John now locked eyes with me. "I guess it is just - well scary now, like everyone fears you bullying them in public if they treat you wrong." He told me honestly. He was at least loyal enough to say the words everyone feared to tell me. "Then you can tell them, that I won't do anything. I am just like them." Desperately I tried to convince him, which he seemed to notice. "Emily, I still like you, don't worry - won't be able to convince all the others though." He assured me. "Well I can't blame you - only another week to go, so it's alright." I smiled at John lightly. He gave my hand a squeeze. "You still playing the instruments with me at the school concert or are you in for singing now?" He laughed. "Instruments. I'm not singing in front of my school." I blurted out and John smiled at me. "At least I have an expert by my side. See ya Em." He winked at me and walked away just as the girls walked up to the table. "Wow did John just wink at you?" Hannah bored as she put her tray down next to mine. "Obviously. Does he even have a chance?" Hailey answered for me. "Everyone does have a chance. Maybe not everyone, but people from my grade do."
We ate our lunch real quick and left the cafeteria. "I haven't seen Chelsea all week." Amy suddenly dropped and my head shot up. "What do you mean? Will she be back tomorrow then?" Worried about our plan I rubbed my temples. "Calm down, I texted her earlier - she'll attend classes tomorrow." Amy calmed me down immidiately. "You scared the hell out of me." I chuckled at her.

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