Birthday Wishes

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Donnie's P.O.V.
"Wow, I can't believe she's already three." I said in disbelief. "Yeah, it's crazy." Mikey remarked. "Hey! Aren't we four? Our birthday was like two days ago!" Exclaimed Raph, trying to get the spotlight on him and the turtles. "Here comes the birthday girl!" Exclaimed Splinter. "Hey!" (Y/N) said excitedly. "She's sooooo adorable!" Mikey said, even though we're around the same age as her. "Well, Raph. I'm five, not four." I replied to Raph's comment eariler. "So? Same difference." He huffed. I smiled and rolled my eyes. "Don!" (Y/N) exclaimed, trying to get my attention. "Yes, (Y/N)?" I questioned. "Play time!" She yelled out to where everyone could hear. "I'll get our bubbas, for play time, ok?" I explained to her. "Okie!" She exclaimed, very happy. I ran off to get the others. "Guys! Play time!" I yelled out. "Play time!" Mikey, Leo, and Raph yelled out in unison. I ran off, the rest following close behind. When we ran up to (Y/N) she already had a bunch of plushies and dolls laid out. "Play with dolls!" I sat down next to her, picking up a doll. I looked at the rest if the turtles, gesturing them to sit down.

I'm sorry if it's all mixed up, but the boys are four and five. It may not seem so, but I try my best to make it so! Boobye!


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