Worst Nightmare

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Mikey has been acting weird today. Whenever I walk over, he quickly excuses himself, as if nervous. Kat giggled every time he did that, like she knew something I didn't. I was confused. What is going on? Sometime during the afternoon, Kat left the lair with Raph, Leo, and Donnie, claiming they'd be back in an hour since they were getting some things. After they left, Mikey seemed even more nervous. I was reading a book on my phone when Mikey approached me.

"Hey, Y/N?"

"Yes, Mikey?"

"I-I was wondering if.. if.."

"What is it, Mikey?"I asked, clicking off my phone and setting it on my lap.

"Would you like to go on a date with me, Y/N!?" Mikey was beet red when he asked, but he showed confidence. It made me smile.

"Of course. I'd love to." I said gently. Mikey jumped around with joy.

"That's fantastic!!" Mikey exclaimed, jumping onto the couch beside me and hugging me tightly. I gave him kiss on the cheek and we cuddled for the next half hour, eventually falling asleep.

Leo's POV

I was told to sneakily check to see if Y/N was around and saw her and Mikey snuggled up on the couch. I realised they were sleeping and waved at the three waiting, signaling them to be quiet. We tiptoed into a different room and got everything ready. Mikey so owes us for this.

Mikey's POV

Walking... aimlessly... Where am I going? Oh.. there's Y/N... She looks so happy.. So beautiful.. Wh-where is she going...!? Y/N, wait!!! Running... run faster... Y/N don't leave me!!! Wh-who's that..!? Who is... he...? The male... that smirk.. He can't have my Y/N!! Must... run... faster... They're getting further and further away the more I run... it's pointless... But I won't give up! Y/N, come back to me!! Please... please come back to me, sweet Y/N... No... you're fading.. Come back... before.. Y/N!

Darkness. Nothing but darkness. Wait... there's a small light.. yet, the flame is upside down.. Wait.. that's not fire... that's.... hair?? I should get a closer look... It's a girl... it looks like... Kat? What is she doing here? Where even is here? What's wrong with her eyes? From here, it looks like her pupils are gone.. Now that I get closer, they're just small... and... red? Why are they red? What's that in her hand? Is that an axe!? Oh no, where's she going?? I have to chase after her, who knows what she'll do with that axe! Who's that in the distance? Is that who's she's chasing? Is that Leo?? Leo, run!!! Please Leo, run as fast as you can!! He can't hear me.. Kat's almost there...! Kat, no!! Don't do it!


Leo's head... cut clean off... why... I have to stop her from killing another! But... I can't seem to reach her... I must run faster... to save my family! Oh no.. is that Raph in the distance?? Raph can fight her off, right?? Raph, she's right behind you!! Wait... she's not carrying an axe anymore... it's... a chainsaw!? Raph, run!!! Kat.. don't do this.. Oh! Raph is now on top of Kat! Maybe he can stop her! But... what's that look in his eyes? That's the look he gives any female during mating season.. Lust.. Raph.. don't take advantage of her like that... Ah! Kat... she... stabbed him... right in the chest... with the chainsaw... now she's slowly dismembering him... Oh God, this is awful! She's running towards Donnie.. with a knife. Donnie, watch out!! Slit throat.. Kat doesn't even bother to look back.. She just keeps running. No, I see Y/N! Please, don't kill her, too, Kat! She... dropped her weapon... wrapping an arm around Y/N and smirking... She's kissing Y/N... no... don't pull the trigger...


A bullet straight through my head.

I woke up, panting heavily. 'Just a nightmare..' I thought. Y/N is still in my arms, which makes me calm down. I smile and plant a kiss on her head.

"I'll never let anyone take you away from me..."

Raised With Turtles (Mikey x Reader) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now