Wait, WHAT!?!?

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(A/N: I'm not dead!!! =3)

Your cat ears and tail were showing! But you also had.. fangs?
"How is this- What!?" You questioned your reflection. Mikey walked into the room.
"Y/N? Are you okay? You look.. different than what I saw that one morning."
"Why do I look different!?!?" You questioned your reflection again, ignoring Mikey.
"Y/N, answer me, please!"
You just stared at your reflection in utter horror and confusment. Suddenly, Mikey grabbed you by your shoulders and spun you around to face him.
"Y/N!!!" He yelled. In fright, you transformed into a small, H/C kitten and jumped away, running where your other brothers were, still freaking out. You jumped on Leo's head and meowed loudly.
"Huh? How'd this little thing get down here?" Leo questioned nobody and picked you up off his head.
"Aww, you're so cute." Leo said, petting you.
"Hey! I want to pet it!" You heard Raph yell out.
"Raph, be quiet! You'll scare her!" Donnie whisper yelled.
"And how do you know it's a girl?" Raph asked Donnie.
"Because,  it's pretty easy to tell." Donnie stated.
"Then how couldn't I tell?" Raph questioned.
"I guess you weren't paying attention to the minor details."
"And what's that's supposed to mean!?" Raph yelled at Donnie. You just rolled your E/C kitten eyes at this,  you we're used to it. They are your brothers, after all. Leo kept petting you. Donnie shushed Raph, and Raph just rolled his eyes and pointed at you,  showing Donnie you weren't effected by the yelling. Mikey came running in,  waving his arms around in panic.
"Have you guys seen-!? Oh,  you found her." Mikey said, walking up to Leo and taking you into his arms. You mewed in his ear, attempting to tell him to put you down. Mikey knew that's what you wanted, somehow, and sat you on the ground. As soon as he did that, you dashed across the floor. You ran around and jumped on your brothers' heads. This was very amusing to you by watching your brothers freak out while you jumped from head to head. Finally, someone grabbed you, it was Raph.
"This kitten is very annoying." Raph stated. You meowed in protest and attempted to wiggle out of his grasp. But, you weren't very strong as a kitten. You meowed again, wanting to be free.
"Maybe you should put her down." Donnie piped up. "She doesn't look comfortable."
"Maybe that would be a good idea." Leo stated, backing up Donnie.
"Fine." Raph sighed, putting you down. You sat there, peering at all of your brothers.
"What are you staring at?" Mikey questioned, kneeling down in front of you. You used this to your advantage. You mewed and licked his nose. He jumped back in surprise, falling backwards. Raph, Leo, and Donnie started laughing. You mewed, trying to look as innocent as possible.
"Aww, she's sooo cute!" Mikey said,  sitting back up. Suddenly, you felt something inside you. You changed back into a human, still having cat ears, cat tail,  fangs, and slited eyes.
"Hi." You waved sheepishly.
"Y/N!?" Raph, Donnie, and Leo yelled out.
"Yeah..." You said quietly,  looking at the ground.
"Did you know about this!?" Raph said,  turning to Mikey.
"Maybe.." Mikey said.
"Why didn't you tell us, then!?" Raph yelled at Mikey.
"Because.." Mikey said quietly, not looking Raph in the eye. Before Raph could say anything else, Leo sighed.
"Let's not argue about this." Leo said. "I'm surprised Master Splinter hasn't cone in here to tell us to quiet down.
"Where is Master Splinter, anyway?" You asked,  curious about the whereabouts of your Sensai.
"I'm right here." Master Splinter said, apparently not noticing your ears and tail. The boys stood up and bowed. You sat there in silence, not wanting to make any sudden movements.
"Wait a minute. Y/N, what's that on your head?" Splinter asked.
"Uh.." You stammered. Splinter walked closer, and motioned you to stand up. You hesitantly did so. You looked away from your sensai, and stared at the floor. You heard you sensai gasp slightly.
"Y/N, how long have you had feline ears and a feline tail?" Splinter asked.
"Since I was five.." You answered reluctantly. You looked back at you sensai. Splinter nodded.
"Hm.. Thank you for telling me this." He walked out of the room. You watched as he left.
"I wonder what that was all about." You heard Donnie say. You looked in his direction to see him and the rest of your brothers walking towards you.
"I dunno. I was pretty scared, though." You stated. You turned into a kitten and leaped onto a nearby object. This object was a very unsturdy pole. Despite how light you were, the pole started leaning and fell.
"Meow!!" You cried out as you leaped off the pole as it fell. You leaped towards the boys, hoping one of then would catch you. Thankfully, Mikey caught you.
"Mew." You meowed in Mikey's ear, thanking him. Mikey petted you and you started purring.
"So, you gonna just stand there or what?" Raph asked, stepping forward with his arms crossed.
"No.." Mikey sat you down. Leo looked at the clock.
"It's getting pretty late." He stated,  still looking at the clock. "We should get to bed." Leo looked back at all of you. Everyone nodded in agreement. Raph, Donnie, and Leo walked off to their rooms. Mikey picked you up and carried you to you two's room. (I have no idea how to put that ‾︿‾) Mikey sat you down on the top bunk and crawled into the bottom one. Making sure he was asleep, you jumped down and quietly dashed into the living room, falling asleep on the couch.

Raised With Turtles (Mikey x Reader) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now