Maybe Crazy?

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Your P.O.V

You walk out of your room, changed, and made sure your ears and tail were completly hidden. You walk into the kitchen, to see Mikey blabbing his head off! You run up to him, just as he's about to say your secret.
"I walked in and then- MMMPH MMPH MMMMMMPHHHH" Mikey was saying before you cut him off mid-sentence.
"Ignore him." You simply told everyone at the table.
You let go of Mikey, him rushing back to his seat. Oh, he's getting payback.... Key note: NEVER trust Mikey with things that are Top Secret. Like, "if anyone knows this I'm ruined" kinda thing. You grabbed a waffle and walked into the livingroom, only to find a small aquantince, a spider. You looked down at it, very curious at the sight. You started talking to it. Making sure no one was around, first. You told the spider all of your secrets.
"I am mutated, I think. I mean, I have cat ears and tail. How is that not mutated?" You received no reply.
"I'm glad I can tell you all of my secrets, Mr. Spider." 
You were still talking to the spider when you heard...
"(Y/N)! Look out!" A foot stomped on your arachnid friend. You were devestated. You looked up to see who the foot belonged to, it was Mikey. You stood up and started yelling at him, upset about the spider's death. Then, you felt a crawling feeling going up your leg, then it disappeared. You look on your shorts with nothing to be found. Soon, you feel something crawling up your back and on your shoulder. You look to see what it was, it was your spider friend. (So sorry arachniphobs 😅) You were happy for finding your friend again, but still mad at Mikey for attempting to killing it. You look at Mikey and he's terrified.
"Uhh... Mikey?"
"What is it?"
"SPIDER!!!!!" Mikey exclaimed in fear, running towards the kitchen where the others were located. You walked casually after him, in no hurry at all. You walked into the kitchen, and you heard a shriek from Mikey.
"What? Afraid of a little spider?" You said, getting the spider to crawl on your hand. Mikey didn't like that. He shrieks louder and more high pitched, making the whole room fill with the noise. You want to cover your ears, but remember your spider friend is on your hand. You were about to set the spider down, but it bit you. You dropped the spider and it crawled away. Leo chased after it in attempt to kill it.
"Uh, I don't feel too good...." You say, with your speech slurring slightly before collapsing onto the ground.

Well, that was longer than expected. Didn't mean for it to be that lengthy, I mean, most of it was just about silly details and nothing more. Hope you guys enjoy the update! Now, if you excuse me, I have to go hang out with my friends. See you my little kittens!

Edit: Trust me, the chapters will get longer.

Raised With Turtles (Mikey x Reader) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now