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A/N: I made a story connection in the previous chapter!! See if you can catch it! It's pretty obvious If you just read the description of my other book. I also made a story connection to this book in the other one! See if you can catch it! (Hint: It's the title of a chapter!)


The boys went on patrol, and told me to stay at the lair. Kat went out to do something, she wouldn't tell me. I plopped on the couch, bored to death.

~one hour later~

Just when I thought they were never coming back, Mikey ran in.

"Y/N! Y/N, come outside!"

"Why? Is something wrong?"

"Just, c'mon!!" He ran back out of the lair. I followed him, and we ran to the top of a building. He led me across the building and told me to sit. I was confused, but I sat down. He told me not to move and ran off. Five minutes have past and still no sign of Mikey. Suddenly, I'm blindfolded and heaved over someone's shoulder.

"Hey! Put me down!!" They ignored me. Grrr.. I'm so gonna beat the cheap out of this person once I'm on the ground, again. After a few minutes of walking, I was put down. I went to kick the person but I felt nothing. Damn, this isn't a fair fight!

"Where are you!?" I yelled out. No response. I growled. "Show yourself!" I felt a presence behind me and I stomped on their foot. Judging on the yelp that received, it was a girl behind me. She untied the blindfold and what I saw before me was marvellous. All four of the turtles stood there, and they set up a small party for me. I turned around and saw Kat.

"Heheh.. whoops."

"It's fine.. defense an' all.. dang, what kind of shoes are you wearing!?" I chuckled. I turned back to the boys and got tackled into a hug by Mikey.

"Gah!" I yelped in surprise.

"Happy birthday, Y/N!!!" I couldn't help but smile.

"Awwweee, so kawaii!!!" Kat squeaked. I glared at her.

Me: -.-*
Kat: \OuO/ *fangirling*
Mikey: ♡o♡
Leo and Raph: *quietly arguing in the background*

Sigh.. I'm surrounded by idiots. I wonder what those two are arguing about, now..

Leo's POV

Ugh.. I hate Raph so much sometimes. I can't believe he made such a snarky and perverted comment about Kat! I know this is Y/N's day, but I couldn't let him get away with it. Raph and I were arguing, but suddenly stopped when..

"Cake time!??!" Kat squeaked. I smiled at her. She's so cute. Wait, what!? Do I.. l-like her!? I can feel Y/N's smirk through the back of my head. She heard it. Hopefully she won't tell Kat...

Kat's POV

"Cake time!??!" I squeaked. I love cake!!! I looked around and caught Leo smiling at me, but he suddenly was alarmed. I looked over at Y/N to see her smirking at him. I wonder what happened.. I skipped over to Y/N.



"Birthday girl gets the first slice of cake!"

"Oh, yeahhh, I forgot about that." She walked over to the f/f  (favourite flavour) cake and cut herself a piece. I was almost jumping up and down in excitement.

"Do ya like it, huh!?" I said cheerfully.

"Chill, Kat! Let me get a bite first!" She took a bite out of the cake and smiled immediately. "This is delicious!"

Raised With Turtles (Mikey x Reader) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now