Leaked Secrets

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(A/N: Your cat ears and tail are the color of your hair btw X3)

Y/N's P.O.V

You woke up and jumped down from top bunk. You turned to wake Mikey, finding he wasn't there.
"Hm, maybe I woke up late?" You thought out loud. You walk into the living room, seeing Mikey talking to Leo. You, being nosy as always, decided to eavesdrop.
"I can't keep it to myself, anymore. I want to, but I can't. It's killing me!" You figured it was Mikey, judging from his voice.
"Mikey, you can tell me anything. I won't judge, no matter how bad." That must be Leo.
"But I can't! You see, it's not my secret to blab!"
"Mikey, what do you mean?"
"What I mean is that it's someone else's secret!" Mikey exclaimed, surprisingly quieter than he usually is.
"Who's is it, then?" Leo questioned.
"It's Y/N's secret." Mikey said, looking around cautiously. You shrunk into your hiding spot.
"Then maybe you shouldn't tell me."
"But I can't keep it to myself, anymore!!! I need to tell someone and you're the only person I can trust!"
'He better not...' You thought to yourself. You wondered what they were thinking. Suddenly, you heard Mikey's voice ringing in your head.
'Should I tell him? I don't want to spill Y/N's secret, but I might explode and tell everybody of I don't tell someone!'
Then, Leo's voice was ringing in your head.
'I wonder what's so bad about that secret? I wanna know, but it seems important and Mikey seems really guilty just mentioning it. What is so horrible about that secret?'
'Is Mikey going to tell him!? I really don't want to explain all of it to Leo, even though I don't know much.' You thought.
Leo started moving his head around, looking. Mikey looked confused.
'Y/N? Are- Are you in my head!?' Leo's voice rang in your head.
'No....' You spoke to Leo through his mind.
'You're eavesdropping, aren't you?'
'So what if I am!? Don't you dare tell anyone about this!!' You practically yelled in your head.
'Stop yelling. And don't eavesdrop, or I'll tell everyone.'
'Don't blackmail me, Leo!!!'
'Too late.'
You screamed in your head, causing Leo to wince slightly. 'I can still do that.' You thought, chuckling in your head.
'Don't make me tell Mikey!'
'No, don't!'
Mikey started to talk again. "I think I should tell someone. What do you think?"
"Well, I have a secret about Y/N, too."
"You do!?"
'I wonder if the others are hearing this...' Suddenly, you hear Raph's voice ringing in your head. 'Two secrets in one? Score!' You quickly found Raph's hiding spot and threw a pebble at him. He looked back at you. You pointed at the door, signaling him to leave. He shook his head no. You glared daggers at him. You decided to mess with his mind.
'Raph... I come to tell you, you should leave! If you don't, Y/N will make you pay!' Raph's eyes went wide in fear. He quickly got up and left.
"I'll tell you my secret about Y/N of you tell me yours." You thought about what Leo was thinking about, and got into his head.
'DON'T YOU DARE TELL HIM' You thought. Leo winced slightly.
'I told you to stop yelling. Now I will tell him.'
'Fine. He won't believe you anyways. You won't believe him either, heheh.' You thought, chuckling in your mind.
"How about you tell me first, since you've kept me waiting longer." Mikey nodded at Leo's response.
"Y/N has cat ears and a tail!" Mikey said in a hushed whisper.
Leo looked bewildered.
"Well, Y/N can read and communicate through minds telepathically!"
It was Mikey's turn to look bewildered.
You pretended you just walked in the room, barely holding in your anger. "Hey guys, y'all wanna throw a little party just for the fun of it?"
~le time skip brought to you by laziness~
"Hey, Y/N, how about you sing some songs?" Mikey said, walking up to you.
"Yeah, sure." You already danced with your brothers, and it would be good to sing, since you were still mad and Leo and Mikey.
Your brothers all sat in front of the mini stage they put together. You smiled at started to sing your first song.

Mikey and Leo exchanged nervous yet guilty glances during your preformance. You walked up to them and cupped both of their chins.
"You swore you'd never tell..." You let go and walk off, sitting in between Raph and Donnie.
"Hey, Y/N, ya think you can sing another song?" Raph asked.
"Sure." You told him, walking back to the stage.

Everyone clapped and smiled.
"Can you sing another song, Y/N?" Donnie asked.
"Yeah, sure." You answered.

Everyone clapped and cheered.
"I feel like a couple more songs, what do y'all think?" You asked.
They cheered.
You smiled and started singing a mash-up you found one day.

They clapped, cheered and whistled. Mikey was about to say something, but you said it for him.
"Another song?" You asked. He nodded. You closed your eyes and started singing.

When you finished, you opened your eyes and the boys were gawking, using elevator eyes, not believing what they saw. You didn't know what was going on, so you asked,
"What?" You were a little creeped out, because they were just staring at you.
"Y/N, go look in a mirror." Mikey said.
"Why?" You questioned.
"Just do it."
"Fine." You gave in, walking to your room. You had a big mirror in there, which Mikey covered up at night because of monsters. You looked in the mirror and almost screamed.
You're ears and tail were showing, but bigger and fluffier. You also had... fangs?

A/N: Dun, dun, DUUUUHHHHNNN!!!!
Sorry for not posting sooner, guys. I'm not begging, but please, don't be ghost readers. At least comment your opinion on the chapter. Expecially if I need you guys' opinion for something. If nobody puts their opinion, I'm gonna take matters into my own hands. You're keeping the FNaF crazies waiting! You can comment on this, or the last chapter, your opinion for rather I should make an xReader or focus on my OC. If it will be xReader, than who should Reader-chan be shipped with? Or I can do a ship with my OC of y'all want. Here are your choices.
BonniexReader (Rose: NUUU NOT SENPAI)

Choose wisely. Boobye!

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