Training Day

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I woke up, and Donnie was trying to take a blood sample!
"Um, what are you doing?" I asked Donnie, knowing what he was trying to do.
"Taking a blood sample." He stated, getting a syringe from one of his drawers. I saw this and freaked out. I absolutely hate needles! I looked over at Mikey, he looked terrified.
"No." I stated, hoping I could get out of this.
"What?" Donnie asked, turning around.
"I said, no." I responded, hopping off the examination table.
"But-" He started, but immediately shut his mouth, sensing there was no point of starting an argument, since I always win those.
I went to walk out of the lab, since I was talking to Donnie, I didn't notice Mikey had left. He was in the living room, starting up his gaming console. I walked up to him, and asked
"How long did Donnie want to take a DNA test?"
"Uh... About ten minutes." Mikey replied, standing up straight.
"And how long did you stall him?"
"Until you woke up."
"What are you 'wow'ing about?"
"I'm surprised you stalled him that long, that's all." I told him, truly amazed he would do that for me.
"Thanks big bro." I said, wrapping him in a hug.
"Anything for you, (Y/N)." Mikey said, sweetly, hugging me back. After a couple of seconds we broke the hug. We went and sat on the couch, and played video games for about an hour. Master Splinter called out for everyone.
"Everyone at the training room, now!"
I jumped up and Mikey did the same. I ran to the training room, not wanting to upset Master Splinter. When I got there, which was before everyone else, I pulled my (H/L) (H/C) hair into a tight ponytail. (If your hair is too short to be in a ponytail, just ignore that part. I know some girls can rock really short hair.) Moments after, Mikey comes running in. Then Raph, then Leo, then Donnie. When Raph, Leo, and Donnie arrived, they were shocked to see Mikey was there, already. Me and Mikey were already sitting in front of Splinter. Erm, behind him. He was looking at the young turtles who just walked in. He gestured for the three turtles to sit next to us. Youngest to oldest. Of course, I was the youngest, so I sat at the far left. Master Splinter paired us up. Donnie, being the oldest and to the far right, didn't have a partner. So, he got to train with Splinter. Me and Mikey practiced on dummies, punching and kicking them until we were tired. After 2 seconds we were punching and kicking again. After a couple of hours, Splinter asked us to sit back down, again. Everyone was exhasted. Except me and Mikey. We were tired, I admit it, but we still had a ton of energy left. Splinter told Leo, Raph, and Donnie to go to the side. They got up and walked over to a wall. Splinter looked at me and Mikey.
"Michelangelo, (Y/N), stand up and face each other." Splinter comanded.
We both stood up and looked in each other's eyes. I was enhanced. Those eyes, those baby blue eyes, were so beautiful. I almost got lost in thought when Master Splinter's voice snapped me out of it.
"You each must fight each other as if you were enemies."
I got in a battle stance, so did Mikey.
"Go." Splinter said, stepping back. I stood still, not wanting to make the first move. Mikey lunged forward and I quickly side-stepped out of the way. He went crashing onto the floor. I took this as my advantage. Splinter was shouting about proper fighting techniques as we fought. Mikey jumped up and I went to punch him, but he blocked with his arms. I went to kick him, he blocked with his legs. I suddenly did the impossible for a girl my age. I jump on Mikey's shoulders and jumped up from there, doing a front flip and grabbing a tree branch, swinging from it, I let go and did another front flip. Then, I flew past Mikey, sweeping his feet from underneath him as I went. I jumped off the wall, did another front flip and landed right by Mikey, putting my foot on his chest, claiming victory. I looked over at Raph, Leo, and Donnie. Leo was staring, a look of disbelief in his eyes. Donnie was doing the same, but his jaw dropped. Raph had a look of disbelief on his face, but quickly changed it to a smirk. I looked down at Mikey, who was looking up at me with a 'how-in-the-world-did-you-do-that' look on his face. I looked at Master Splinter, who looked impressed.
"Good job, (Y/N). You and Michelangelo may go to the side."
I took my foot off of Mikey's chest and helped him up. He called out Raph and Leo to go next. Raph won, of course. He called out Donnie, and he fought Raph. It was close, but Raph won, once more. Splinter called me to the floor, again. I had to fight Raph. I was worried about age difference at first, but then I remembered he's only a couple of months older than Mikey. I got into battle stance, and so did Raph. We both stood still for a minute or two, but Raph got impatient and lunged at me. I expected this and jumped to the side. Raph didn't fall, but he stumbled. He looked back and I was already there. I smiled and waved, trying to agrivate him. It worked. He spun around and grabbed me by the arm, I brought my leg up to kick him, but Raph grabbed my leg with his other hand. 'Uh oh...' I thought. Raph was about to do something but I had an idea. Raph went to flip me on my back but I countered it. I didn't flip him on his back, but I escaped from his grasp. He was shocked for a mere second. He turned around to face me, but I wasn't there. I was now behind him. He turned back around, I went to the other side. He kept turning a couple times until I finally swept his feet from underneath him. I put my foot on his chest, pinning him down. Someone slowly started clapping. I turned and saw Mikey clapping, Leo and Donnie joined a second after. Since I wasn't paying attention, Raph flipped me over and pinned me by my shoulders.
"Now who's on top?" He asked, teasing me.
I stayed silent.
"So?" He asked, wanting an answer.
Unexpectedly, I pushed him off of me and knocked him to the ground. I sat on his chest, feeling it going up and down as he breathed.
"Last time I checked, I was on top." I said, smirking. He just glared at me. Everyone started clapping again, even Master Splinter. I got up and dusted off. I helped Raph up and shook his hand.
"Good job."
With that, training had ended. It was almost time to go to bed, we were training for a while. Me and Mikey walked into our room.
"Night!" I called out.
"Goodnight!" Everyone else shouted back.
Before Mikey came into the room, I changed into a (F/C) tank top and some grey shorts. (If your tank top is grey than the shorts can be black!)
I climbed the ladder and slid under my quilt. Mikey came into the room shortly after that. I heard him crawl into the bottom bunk. I held my cat plushie close and slowly drifted to sleep.

BLOOP DE DOOP how are all you doing?? Well, I'm doing faannntastic! Jk life sucks. Welp, bai!

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