Lovey Dovey Mikey

265 9 16

A/N: This chapter contains LOVE! Yay!

Something you need to know:

(f/s) = favorite smell

(f/m) = favorite movie

(f/p) = favorite pizza

(f/pt) = favorite pizza topping


~magical time skip~


Today was... Valentine's day. (Which is crazy since Kat's birthday is April 9th, which felt like two days ago. Weird, right? Like a magical time skip happened.) I kinda didn't wanna get out of bed, but I had no choice to. Wanna know why? It's because Mikey freaking JUMPED ON ME.

"Mikey! What the hell!?"

"C'mon, Y/N, get up!! You've gotta see this!" He jumped down, laughing.

I got out of bed, not even bothering changing out of my onesie, or fuzzy jumpers, whatever you wanna call 'em. I walked into the living room and saw the funniest thing ever! I started laughing at the sight. Raph and Leo looked at me funny and Kat looked at me with a pleading "help me" look. I looked over at Donnie and he was in lala land. I walked over and poked his shoulder. (By the way.. They were both trying to give Kat chocolate and other types of candy, and Leo tried to recite a poem XD)


"Hm? What?" He said, snapping back into reality.

"Whatcha thinkin' 'bout?"

"Oh, uh, nothing."

"You were in lala land, you were definitely thinking of someone."

"Oh! I almost forgot to tell you, Casey and April are stopping by later today."

"Ohh, so THAT'S why you're in lala land. You were thinking on April!"

"Sh-shut up!" Donnie exclaimed, blushing.

"Donnie likes April! Donnie likes April!" You started chanting. Kat heard you and ran over, joining you.

"Donnie likes April! Donnie likes April!" You both chanted.

"Donnie loooovvveeesss April!" Kat cooed. She gasped. "Apriltello!"

"Why me.." Donnie muttered.

"April what?" A feminine voice said. I spun around to see a girl with hair so red it was orange, wearing a yellow t-shirt and blue jeans.

Soon after she walked in, a raven-haired boy walked in, having a hockey stick on his back, wearing a bandana on his head and missing a few teeth

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Soon after she walked in, a raven-haired boy walked in, having a hockey stick on his back, wearing a bandana on his head and missing a few teeth.

Soon after she walked in, a raven-haired boy walked in, having a hockey stick on his back, wearing a bandana on his head and missing a few teeth

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Raised With Turtles (Mikey x Reader) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now