Escape Plan

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You wished Tiger wasn't always on your back. You wanted to run away and go back home. But if you did, he'd find you again. You attempted anyway. When Tiger went to go grab something, you darted. You ran and never looked back. You found yourself in a dark alleyway. You thought it was safe to transform. So you did. You still had your ears and tail and wanted to quickly hide those. But it was too late. You heard a noise and looked that way. You looked around you and quickly noticed people were surrounding you. They looked like a biker gang but with less leather and no bikes. The leader, or so it seemed, was kinda scrawny looking and had a drawing on his arm of a purple dragon. He also looked around 13. (You're 12 in case you forgot.)

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here." The leader said. "Looks like we got ourselves a rare young lady." 

"Who are you?" You asked, boldly. 

"Us? We're the Purple Dragons, sweetie. And you'll be staying with us." 

"No, I will not!" You shouted at him, a little too loud.

 "Shush, sweetheart. You'll be heard." 

"That's the point!" You shouted again.

 "Well, I guess I'll have to make you be quiet." You grabbed you and pinned you to a wall. "Nyah!" You yelled out in surprise. He smashed his lips into yours but you fought back. He then put a knife to your side, and you stopped struggling, but not completely. He pressed the knife harder against your side and you had no choice but to stop squirming. You hated this. You wanted to kick him where the sun don't shine, but you were afraid he was going to stab you. Then, you heard Tiger call out quietly, "Neko? Neko!" 

You pushed the leader of the Purple Dragons off of you for a brief second and meowed loudly. He didn't like that and pointed the knife at your throat. He whispered, "Don't try that again young lady. Or should I say.. Neko." You heard Tiger running to where you meowed. Then, you saw Tiger get pushed down. You were terrified. You were held at knife point and the only person who could save you was knocked down. "Come with me, my kitten. We shall be together forever."

I didn't wanna do this, but apologies for, one, not updating in forever, and two, for having such a short chapter with a "dramatic" cliffhanger.  ~Kat

 P.S. I almost put "hangover" instead of "cliffhanger" nu judge pls 

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