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Warning: This chapter has some profanity in it. If you don't like it, skip it. You have been warned..

"Come with me, my kitten. We shall be together forever." You suddenly had something cover your nose and mouth and blacked out.
~time skip~
When you awoke, you weren't completely aware of your surroundings. "Was- was that all a dream?" (It was only just a dreeeaammm sorry I had to lol)
"I'm afraid this isn't a dream, kitten."
'Oh not this guy again..' You thought. You had every reason to hate him. He forced you to kiss him, held you at knife point, and kidnapped you!
"What do you want, hotshot?" You glared angrily at him.
"Oh, you know what I want.." He growled.
'Is he trying to flipping seduce me!? Man.. I'm getting tired of this bull.'
"Well, I don't know what you want. But I do know what you need."
"And what's that?" He said, grinning as he leaned in closer. You waved your hand in front of your nose and said, "What you need is a breath mint." (Roxie: OHH BURRRNN)
"Hmph. Fine then, kitten. Your wish is granted." He pops a breath mint in his mouth. He leans in your face again.
"Better, sweetheart?"
"Good enough. At least I ain't gotta have yo' stank breath all up in my face." You sassed him off. He was taken by surprise at first, but then grinned mischievously.
"So, kitten." You growled and gave him a death glare when he called you "kitten". "How about, you let me keep you as my own, and I'll make sure you stay as happy as can be. Deal? Oh, and, yes. There will be plenty of food." Your ears perk up at the mention of "food". He noticed this and grinned.
"So, yes or no?" You pondered at this for a moment.. but then realized something.
"I'll have to pass. I mean, food and being treated like royalty is great an' all.. but it's better to have food and be treated like everyone else with your family. So, until you get that in your noggin', you won't understand life truly. So, since we don't have a deal, mind letting me wander the streets again?" He looked at you, dumb-founded. You bust into laughter. He looked at you angrily because of this.
"Hey, you over here makin' me look like a fool ain't gonna cut it, sweet cheeks. Well, I wasn't gonna let ya go either way soooo.. You're stuck here." You felt like slapping some sense into him, but also wanting to punch the living daylights outta him. And you did. One second, he's lecturing you saying he'll never let you go, next second, he's pinching his nose and holding his head back.
"Damn, kitten. You can really pack a punch.." He was still pinching his nose when he looked at you.
"That'll teach ya not to mess with me, asshat." (Whoever gets that reference, I'LL LOVE YOU FOREVER)
"Ugh.." He groaned and looked at you. "You really like being a brat, don't you?"
"If it means annoying you." You said with slight sass in your voice.
"I see what your dealing at!" He yelled and stopped pinching his nose. "You're trying to annoy me so much that I'll have no choice but to kick you out! That ain't happening!"
"Wow, good job! You found out my secret plan!" You said with a cheerful sarcasm. "And if you're not gonna let me out, I'll let myself out." You said and quickly turned into a kitten. Before he could say anything you ran for it. You quickly escaped with almost no one noticing you. The ones who did notice you thought you were just a stray cat and attempted to kick you. You were way too fast for that. You escaped through the surprisingly open door and dashed into the sewers where it was safe.

Hey! How was it like being held hostage, again? Horrible? If you think it eas, you're in your right mind, haha. But if being held hostage is your kinda thing, I nu judge. Anyways, next chapter you'll be-
Oh.. sorry Rox.
Roxie: -sighs- It's fine, Kat.. Just- don't do it again. Okai?
Okai... Well, almost spoiled it for ya! Sorry 'bout that. I have to go.. so see ya next time kittens!

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