Knight in Bloody Armor

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I woke up to a cold breeze. I shivered and hugged Mikey for warmth. I opened my eyes and realised it wasn't Mikey, but a pillow. I sighed and sat up on the couch. The lair was dead silent. It was dark, too. I'm a bit worried, to say the least. I got up and fumbled my away around the darkness. I grabbed my phone. No service. I turned the torch on and looked around. I almost puked at the sight in front of me. There was a squirrel, but it didn't look like a squirrel anymore. Its eyes were bloodshot as it twitched on the ground, its body bent at an awkward angle. I shuddered and turned away, not wanting to look at it any longer.

I quickly walked away from the horrid scene and found myself in the kitchen. My stomach grumbled but I was too disgusted to eat. My phone made a noise that terrified me at that point. Low battery. I needed to find and flashlight, and fast. I quickly and carefully made my way to Donnie's lab. The smell almost made me hurl. I tried to flick on the lights, but it was no use. I swing my phone's light around the room and barely stopped myself from letting out a shriek. On the table in the very center of the room was Donnie, laying lifelessly and covered in blood. His throat was slit. I covered my mouth as tears slid down my face. I grabbed the flashlight hanging weakly in his grasp and exited the room.

I turned the flashlight on and my phone torch off. I needed to save as much battery life as possible. Now I wish I had one of those portable chargers. I ran to Master Splinter's room to find him gone. He just wasn't there. I looked around a little to find a rope dangling from the tree. I tugged it until something fell. I shrieked and jumped back. There was Master Splinter, his head facing the wrong direction. There was a knife in his back. I tore it out and stuck it in my back pocket. I couldn't stay in there any longer, so I left.

The training room was my next destination. It smelled really bad in there. I held the knife in a defensive position and swung the light around the room. I found two bodies. Well, I'm not saying they were in one piece. On the ground laid Leo and Raph. Leo's head was chopped off and Raph was dismembered. Where Leo's head used to lay, there was an axe. I put the knife back in my pocket and picked it up. By Raph's body was a box of puzzles. "Fucken hilarious." I grumbled. I figured it was there for a reason so I examined the box. The puzzle was supposed to look like a kitten and a turtle playing. I opened the box and the tiny puzzle was already assembled. The kitten had killed the turtle.

I left the box there and headed for my room. Luckily, it was empty. I was afraid, though. Everyone is dead except for Mikey and Kat. Well, I haven't found their bodies, yet. I looked everywhere I could think of, and my last stop was Kat's room. I walked up to the door and heard a growl. When I looked for the source it turned into a whimper. I walked around, following the noise. Then, there was a gunshot. I scrambled to Kat's room and threw the door open. I didn't know what I saw first. The body on the floor, the dog in the corner, or the gun glinting in the dim light.

"(Y/N), baby..." I heard someone whisper. It sent chills down my spine. "Why wouldn't you come play with me?" Another whisper in my ear. I could feel their hot breath down my neck. "It would've been so much fun if you joined the game." They giggled. I slowly pointed my flashlight to the floor. Kat laid there with a hole in her head, blood coating her beautiful red hair. "It's a shame they had to go." The dark figure circled around me. I didn't dare illuminate them with the flashlight. I was too scared to know who it was, even though I did know, deep inside. I didn't want to admit it. A three fingered hand caressed my cheek. "C'mon, smile for me. I want to see your beautiful smile." I flinched and shut my eyes. "Don't be afraid, I would never hurt you. They just got in my way."

I never felt such a mix of emotions in my life. "That doesn't mean you had to kill them!" I snapped. "I did this for your safety, (Y/N). You didn't know their intentions. Leo and Raph, they were jealous of you. Kat secretly loved you and they hated it. Donnie, well, he was too protective of you. Splinter would've only made things more difficult. I did this because I love you." He cooed. "Safety my ass! I fell in love with a bubbly, adorable, childish, and funny turtle named Mikey! I never loved you." I shone the light on his face to show a turtle I once loved, now covered in blood. "I'm still the one you love, don't worry. We can put all of this behind us and live a happy life." Mikey smiled sweetly, but it was terrifying for me.

"We could get married, have children, and grow old together. That's what I want my life to be. With you, and only you." He kept that same damn smile on his face. "I would NEVER have kids with a psycho like you!! You killed my family! I'll never forgive you." With that, I ran out of the room. The dog that was once huddled in the corner followed me. Mikey threw the door opened and chased us, but he was limping. I saw the bite marks on his leg and looked at the dog. I smiled, realising that this was Kat's dog. She bravely fought for her owner until she was driven away with a painful kick.

I transformed into my cat form, which boosted my speed. We just had to make it to the surface, and we'd be safe. To the surface...and he couldn't harm us. "(Y/N)! Come back to me! Please!!" Mikey called out. "I love you, don't leave me!" I ignored his pleas and kept running. If I stopped now I'd surely be dead. I almost froze in panic when I heard another gunshot. Instead, it gave me a boost of speed. I looked back to. see the dog had fallen. I skidded to a stop and ran back, transforming into a wild cat. I put the wounded dog on my back and started running again. She whimpered as blood ran down her leg. "You'll be okay." I told her. "I'll make sure you stay safe."

I saw the rope at the last second as I tumbled to the ground. The dog let out a yelp and I transformed back to my normal self to help her. An arm slipped around my waist and my face paled. A deep chuckle rang in my ear. "Oh (Y/N), why must you run from me?" I turned around and stumbled a little.

 "Oh (Y/N), why must you run from me?" I turned around and stumbled a little

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"Y-you wouldn't." I regained my posture and stood up straight. "If I can't have you, no one can." Mikey growled. "Now, how about that date?" He chirped. "I would never go on a date with you, sicko!" I spat at his feet. He grabbed me by the throat and held me against the wall. "Again, if I can't have you, no one can." He held me in place with one arm and brought the scythe to my neck with the other. "Live or die, your choice." "I'd rather die than live with you." I growled. With a flash of movement the blade cut through my throat. I gasped as tears flowed down my face. I didn't think he would do it. "Shhh, shhh." He cooed in my ear as I gasped for air, blood pouring out of my neck. He laid me down on his lap and ran his fingers through my hair. "It'll all be over soon."

"We'll be together, forever."

Raised With Turtles (Mikey x Reader) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now