Maybe Crazy? Pt. 2

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Mikey's P.O.V

I saw (Y/N) walk into the living room and stop, suddenly distracted by something on the floor. She started talking to it, like it was something alive. I looked over at my brothers, and they were watching her, too. Leo got up and walked over to her. She had just stopped talking when Leo walked over. She started talking to it again, not noticing Leo. He looked shocked for a second, raised his leg up, and stomped on the ground, scaring (Y/N). She screamed and then started tearing up. Leo looked down at her and gasped, think he stepped on her hand or something.
"Are you ok??" I heard Leo say, 'cause he said it pretty loud. (Y/N) stood up and started yelling at Leo.
"WHY DID YOU DO THAT, LEO?????" She lashed out.
"Wha-what did I-I do?" Leo stuttered in fear. I was pretty impressed, almost nothing make Leo stutter in fear. She was about to start yelling again, but froze. She looked down at the legs. She suddenly looked at her shoulder, then seemed happy again. Leo's eyes widened. He speed walked back to the table, not making eye contact with any of us. I snickered and Leo's head shot up, giving me a deathly look. If looks could kill, I would be beyond dead. I shivered under his glare, and looked back at my plate. I heard footsteps behind me, and turned around, seeing (Y/N) with the biggest smile on her face. She raised her hand, exposing a spider. It was a HUGE spider. I screamed and stumbled out of my chair, running to the other side of the table. (Y/N)'s smile gotten bigger, and walked around the table. My eyes widened and I ran away. She chased after me, her being slightly faster than me. I looked behind me, seeing her and the spider, and screamed, heading back to the kitchen. Leo and Raph were laughing their heads off. Donnie just looked at everyone in confusion. When I ran into the room, he saw what (Y/N) was holding and started laughing, too. (Y/N) stopped running, trying to catch her breath. She was about to show Donnie the spider, but it bit her. She screamed and shook it off her hand, stomping the crap out of it. (Sorry if this wasn't in the previous chapter... New ideas I guess. Just making it better 😆) After that, she fell limp and I rushed to catch her, Donnie beat me to it. He picked her up and carried her to the lab. I followed close behind. Leo and Raph followed after me. I felt Leo and Raph glaring at me behind my back. I don't know what I did wrong.... I just ran from the spider that she was holding an- Ohhhh..... I provoked the spider by running around, with (Y/N) chasing me. Donnie layed her down on the table in his lab. (Yes, he had a lab at this point.) I watched as Donnie examined her hand where she was bit. He turned around and got some medical supplies or something. I don't know, this is Donnie we're talking about! He cleaned the bite and got the poison out of it. Then, Donnie wrapped up (Y/N)'s hand. He was about to draw some blood for a DNA test, just to be safe, I guess. Then, I remembered.

"Don't tell anyone."
"I won't."
"Thanks big bro."
~Flashback over~
"Donnie, wait!" I yelled out. Everyone turned to look at me.
"What is it, Mikey?" Donnie questioned.
"Uhm, do we have to do a DNA test?"
"Yes, Mikey, we do." Donnie replied.
"But why?" I asked, trying to buy some time for (Y/N).
"Because, Mikey, we have to see if the spider was infected with mutagen."
"It didn't look like it." Donnie was getting annoyed by my questions and remarks.
"Mikey, step out of the lab, please."
"Why?" I asked.
"Because you getting on my nerves!" Donnie said, getting louder with each word.
"But I'm worried about (Y/N)..."
"Go worry about her somewhere else." Donnie demanded.
"No." I said, standing up straight and crossing my arms.
"Ugh, fine. But no more questions."
Donnie was about to take a blood sample, but (Y/N) woke up.
"(Y/N) you're awake!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah, I guess so." She said groggily, like she just got out of bed.
Donnie went to take her blood sample again, but (Y/N) stopped him.
"Uh, what are you doing?" She questioned.
"Taking a blood sample." Donnie replied. She looked at me, and I was terrified. She looked back and Donnie and said,
"What?" He looked at her in confusion.
"I said, no." She remarked.
"But-" Donnie started.
"No." (Y/N) cut him off, clearly annoyed.
"Fine." Donnie said, giving in.
She smirked and hopped off the table.
I had the biggest grin on my face, but Donnie noticed.
"What's with the big grin?"
"Were you in on this?" He asked, clearly annoyed.
"Uhm, maybe...." I replied, sheepishly.
I walked out of the room right after I said that. (Y/N) walked up to me, smiling.
"How long did Donnie want to take that blood sample?" She asked, still smiling.
"About ten minutes." I replied.
"Really? Wow..."
"What are you 'wow'ing about?"
"Well, how long did you distract him?" She questioned.
"Until you woke up. He's still annoyed." I said, chuckling.
"Well, thank you." She said, hugging me.
"Your welcome." I said, hugging her back.

Hai, what did y'all think of this chapter? It's longer than most but that's ok, right? Well, I hope you all have a fantastic, spider-free day.


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