The Truth About Kat

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Kat's POV

I walked back to the couch and flopped on it, falling asleep instantly.

~time skip to morning~

I woke up in a daze, not really knowing where I was. I looked around, remembering that I stayed the night at Y/N's house. Er.. lair. I got up sleepily and ran into somebody. Literally.
"Ow.." I said when I fell over. I saw a hand reach out to me and I grabbed it, letting it pull me up.
"Sorry, Kat. Should've looked where I was going." He said. It was Raph.
"It's fine, I ran into you." I said and wandered towards the kitchen and sat on a stool. I buried my face in my hands, trying to wake up. I heard something and my ears perked up, turning slightly towards the sound. Someone sat down beside me, I turned my head to see. It was Y/N.
"Morning, Kat. Have a good sleep last night?" She asked.
"I dunno.. I went straight to sleep and slept all night.. but I cannot wake up."
"Oh, I'm like that all the time. You just need some coffee." She got up and started brewing coffee. My ears perked up at "coffee." I loved coffee! It had to be super sweet, though. I started drifting off, until someone snapped me awake. Literally. My head shot up.
"I'm awake!" I half yelled.
"Good, the coffee's done brewing." Y/N said, laughing a little.
"Thanks Y/N.." I said, walking to get a mug. I found a mug and filled it up with coffee.
"Mm.. this smell so gooood." I said, fully waking up.
"You really like coffee, don't you?" Y/N asked. I nodded and put a lot of sugar, milk, and creamer in the coffee. I see Y/N's slight shock on her face.
"I like my coffee super sweet, I can't stand bitter coffee." I explained, sipping the coffee. I see Y/N nod. I walk back to the island and go to sit on the same stool, only to feel something that wasn't the stool. I jumped up, nearly spilling my coffee.
"What the!?" I turned to see Raph sitting on the stool!
"I was sitting there!" I cried out.
"I'm sitting here now." He said, smirking. I frowned at this and sat on the stool directly in front of him. Y/N giggled. I sipped my coffee again.
"What's that?" Raph questioned, pointing at my coffee.
"It's coffee.." I replied somewhat sleepily. He grunted in understanding. I kept sipping my coffee until the other three turtles walked in, sitting on different stools. Someone tapped on my shoulder. It was Leo.
"Hey, Kat.. you're kinda in my seat." He said.
"Oh.. sorry. Raph stole the one I was in." I explained. I went to move but was stopped.
"No, no. It's fine. I can sit somewhere else today." He said, smiling. I returned the smile. He sat down on the stool to the right of me. Y/N sat of the stool to the left of me.
"Enjoying the coffee?" She asked. I nodded.
"Thanks for making it." I said, smiling. She smiled back.
"No problem." She then went and got a cup of her own, filling it with (drink of choice).
"I swear I think that this coffee makes me short." I said out of nowhere.
"Why don't you stop drinking it, then?" Leo asked.
"Because I love it." I replied. I could not give up coffee for the world. Everyone casually chatted while I helped Y/N with breakfast.
"Foods ready!" Y/N and I shouted in unison. We made our plates and sat down. The boys all went and made their plates and sat down. I started eating.
"This food is amazing!" I exclaimed. "The best I've had in years."
"Why thank you, Kat." Y/N said, doing a little bow. "But you helped, so I didn't make it alone."
"Yeah.. but this is the best food I've had in years. Five, to be exact." I said, not really looking at anyone.
"What makes you say that?" Y/N questioned.
"I.. uh.. I've been in an insane asylum for most of my life." I said, looking at my plate the entire time.
"Insane asylum!?" Y/N said, shocked.
"Yeah.. I didn't really belong there, though. They assumed me crazy, like they did when Nellie Bly went to the Blackwater Insane Asylum to go undercover so she could write about the harsh conditions. She was the first investigative journalist ever. Did you know that?" I said, looking up at everyone. Nobody moved.
"She also traveled the world in 72 days.. which was near impossible for her time. She was the first to do it. She got her inspiration from a fictional book, where a man traveled the world in 80 days, and she set off to beat that." I ranted, hoping the change the subject. "She also had a monkey named McGinty." I then started eating my food again, since nobody said a word. Once I was finished, I walked to the sink and rinsed my plate off and set it down. Without making eye contact with anyone, I went into the living room and grabbed my stuff.
"Kat?" I recognized this voice as Y/N's.
"What?" I said, not really wanting to hear it.
"Is it true?" She asked. I hated that she'd ask me that. Would I really make up something like that?
"No, it's not. I totally made it up." I replied sarcastically.
"I'm sorry I asked. But I'm just curious. What made them think you were crazy?" She asked.
"Well, when I was four, I always laughed, cried, or screamed at random times. Everyone thought it was a phase, but it happened for two years. That's when they sent me off. I was the only child there. I was forced to talk to myself. I had imaginary friends, and never went near the adults. They.. they were curious about me. Like they've never seen a child before." I explained.
"Well, why didn't they send you to a children's hospital?" Y/N questioned.
"They didn't have an insane ward for children. The only place I could go was there. I hated it, but it was my so called home. Sometimes I felt watched.. One time, when I was ten, a man walked up to me. We chatted for a bit, then he told me to follow him. That he had something to show me. I followed him a couple of feet, then a bunch of nurses and doctors showed up and separated us. A nurse scooped me up and carried me away. I later learned that the man was seriously ill. He also has a criminal record for.. uh.. raping and killing young girls. The nurse said I was lucky they were there, or I wouldn't be standing here today. I was kinda stupid as a little kid." I continued. Y/N merely spoke with her eyes, saying "tell me more."
"I spent five years there and then I escaped." I stated.
"How?" She asked.
"Well, I used my youth as an excuse. I said I really needed to go outside and run around, or else I won't maintain good health. The nurse let me run about outside, and when she wasn't looking, I crawled through a hole in the fence I dug out for only me to fit in. When she realized I was gone, she freaked. She thought that man got a hold of me. When they couldn't find me anywhere, they deemed me dead." I explained.
"That's smart." Y/N said. I didn't think much about it. The four boys then walked in. I really didn't wanna explain everything all over again, because I knew that's what they wanted to hear. They sat on the couch and chair. Leo sat on my right, and Mikey and Donnie sat beside Y/N. Raph sat in the chair. As soon as Leo opened his mouth to say something, I interrupted him.
"I've already told Y/N everything. I don't really feel like explaining it again." He stayed quiet.

I decided to go ahead and post this while I could, so this is it for now.. enjoy the backstory. I made a song about it called Insane Childhood =3 Kai bye

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