Party for KitKat

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Kat's POV

Today's my birthday. But no one has said anything about it. I don't remember why this scenario feels familiar. I'm like a human Dory sometimes. Can't remember anything. I just realized.. I'm still in bed. I go to sit up, but something holds me down. I look to see what it is and it's an arm! I screamed and ran out of the room, after rolling off of the bed. Leo stopped me right outside the door.

"What's wrong!?" He asked.

"There's someone in my bed!!" I exclaimed. Leo walked in the and yelled.

"RAPH GET UP!" Raph was in my room!? Even worse, in my BED!? I was freaking out right now. I lock the door before I get into bed! And I just realized, I'm standing in the middle of the living room with nothing but bra and underwear on. I rushed back into my room, only to run right into both turtles. I took a step back, blushing furiously. They both looked me up and down, blushing as well. Suddenly, their noses started bleeding and they ran out.

"Awkward." I heard from behind me. I turned around and saw Y/N leaning against the doorframe.

Me: "Uhh.."

Y/N: "Oh don't worry. We're both girls."

She didn't seem all that bothered of seeing me in just bra and underwear. But I quickly pulled in some clothes, anyway. I grabbed a Harry Potter theme shirt that said "I solemnly swear I'm up to no good" in pretty letters with Harry's and Hermione's wands, some blue jeans with a few fashionable rips, and slipped on some Black Butler converse. And don't forget my calf-high donut socks. This oughta be an interesting day.

~time skip brought to you by Sebastian Michaelis~

I had to avoid Raph and Leo all day. I mean, who wouldn't? I'm a super awkward person and they saw most of what was under my clothes. Unluckily, I ran into Raph. As he walked past, he whispered in my ear.

"Nice legs" He smirked and winked. I blushed horribly and Mikey passed by.

"Oh my gosh, Kat! You look like a strawberry!" He laughed. Y/N walked over.

"Kat.. you do look like a strawberry.. your freckles paled!" I huffed and walked off. I walked into the kitchen to see Leo preparing chocolate covered strawberries.

"Want one?"

"Sure." I went to grab one but Mikey ran over and stopped me.

"Kat! You can't eat strawberries, that's cannibalism!"

"Haha, very funny." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. He started laughing and ran off. I walked out and sat down in the couch. I turned the TV on and Space Heros was on. Leo ran in and plopped beside me. I blushed a little, remembering this morning. I quickly brushed it off and watched TV with Leo.

"Awweee, look at the two love birds!" Y/N squealed. I blushed and so did Leo. Mikey came over and pushed me closer to Leo, so close I was almost sitting in his lap! Y/N ran over and took a picture.

"So kawaii!" She squealed. Raph glared at us. I'm so done with them right now.

"Mikey! Actually sit her on his lap!" Y/N suggested. I wish she didn't. Mikey then picked me up and I squeaked. I heard Raph growl lowly in the background. I wish I wasn't so small, or I wouldn't be picked up so easily.

"Y/N, she's like a doll! Ooh, we should dress her up like one!!" Mikey squealed. Oh please no. Y/N's eyes widened and she nodded in agreement. Why me..

"Set her in Leo's lap, then we can dress her up!" Y/N instructed. Mikey sat me down on Leo's lap and I blushed really hard. Y/N went to take a picture but Raph snatched the phone away from her and threw it into the kitchen. Good thing it has a Otterbox case on it.

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