Skipping a Few Years

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Your P.O.V
(You're now eight by the way)
I wake up in the top bunk of the bunk bed me and Mikey share. (There wasn't a vacant room and Leo found a bunk bed. Also, there was more space in Mikey's room than the others.) I scratched my ear, which was at the top of my head. I'm part cat. I realized this when on my fifth birthday, at midnight, ears and a tail just popped out. I learned how to keep then hidden quickly, which isn't a easy task. I have to hide them from the guys, so they don't freak out. I mean, they're only nine and ten! (Remember, Donnie is a year older than his brothers.) Hopefully, they don't just pop out while
I'm around them. Honestly, I feel them coming out when I'm around Mikey I don't know why. I hope it's temporary 'cause I hang out with Mikey a lot. He's my gaming buddy. Well, he beats me almost every time, but still. Key word: almost. I think my other brothers are kind of jealous of how close me and Mikey are. I mean, he tends to just goof around a lot, but I can get him to be more serious for the time being. Pretty sure that's why they're jealous. Or maybe it's because me and Mikey are closer to each other than they are. I crawled out of bed, sleepily.
"Hey, sleepyhead."
It was Mikey. I looked up at him, 'cause he was about a inch taller than me. But, still.
"Hey..." I replied groggily.
"There's breakfast in the kitchen, I haven't even ate yet. I was waiting on you to get up, first."
The thought of him caring so much sent a slight blush to creep up my cheeks. I realized this and tried to cover my face, which he noticed that action.
"What's wrong, (Y/N)? Can't have someone wait on you without blushing?" He said, teasing.
This made me blush even harder.
"Mikey, I've gotta get dressed. I'll be out in a minute." I said, using that as an excuse to get away from him. I could feel my ears almost popping out of my head. When he closed the door behind him, my ears popped out, along with my tail.
"And one more thing-" He stopped, staring at me in disbelief. My eyes widened as I looked into his.
"I-I can explain-"
"Cool!" He cut me off. I really wanted to explain, but I guess he just thought it was cool.
"Mikey, I'll be out in a minute. Go out of the room, please."
"Okie doke!"
He was just about to walk out, but I called after him.
"Wait, Mikey!" I called out.
"Yeah?" He said, standing right by the doorway, looking back at me.
"Don't tell anyone."
"I won't." He promised.
"Thanks big bro." I said, running up to him and hugging him.
"No prob."

I'm gonna be updating all night, so... I just have so many ideas! Well, until midnight, of course. Even though it's summer, I still have to go to bed at a certain time. I wish I was allowed to pull an all nighter. Boobye!


Edit: I have no clue what I was doing back then.. 12/11/17

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