Returning Home

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You ran back to your home, blending in with all the other stray cats. Once you got to the sewers, you dashed for your home. You missed your sensai and brothers dearly. You couldn't wait one more second to see them! As you dashed into the living room, turning human with your ears and tail, Mikey saw you and tackled you in a hug, accidentally tackling you to the ground. You blushed a bit and hugged him back.

"I missed you, Y/N!" Mikey exclaimed.

"I missed you too, Mikey." You said, getting back up and dusting yourself off. The rest of your brothers came in and hugged you, asking all sorts of questions. You were only gone for a day, right? 

"Y/N, where were you?? You were gone for a week!" Mikey told you.

"A week!?" You exclaimed.

"Yes, a week! Where were you??" Leo spoke up.

"Well..." You began.

"Well what!?" Raph butted in. You told them everything that happened and the whole time, they kept changing their facial expressions to match the story.

"You were kidnapped!?" Leo exclaimed.

"You were held hostage!?" Donnie exclaimed.

"You were forced to kiss a dude!?" Mikey and Raph exclaimed at the same time.

"She was also held at knife point!!" A random girl exclaimed.

"Who are you!?" Leo asked.

"Oh, me? I'm the one who writes the story! I could make you do anything." The girl said.

"Anything??" Mikey questioned.

"Yes, anything. I could make Raph and Leo kiss if I wanted to!" She exclaimed, laughing. Raph and Leo took a couple steps away from each other. No no, wait. They took a couple steps towards each other. 

"What the!?" Leo exclaimed.

"Don't do it, or I'll beat you to a pulp!" Raph yelled angrily.

"Oh, I almost forgot! My name's Kat, nice to meet you all." Kat said.

"Hi, I'm Y/N." You said. Kat glanced over at you.

"I already know who you are, but thanks for the introduction!" Kat said, smiling at you. She glanced over at Mikey.

"I should've made you two kiss by now.." Kat said somewhat quietly.

"Wait, WHAT!?" You and Mikey exclaimed at the same time.

"Haha, don't act surprised. You two share a room for crying out loud!" Kat said, with a smirk plastered on her face. You and Mikey blushed slightly.

"Pfft, look! They're blushing!" Raph teased.

"Raph, we're all related." Leo mutter in Raph's ear.

"Oh. I forgot for a second." Raph muttered back.

"Kat, stop it!!" You exclaimed. You blushed even harder, noticing Mikey standing so close. Kat busts out into laughter.

"I can't help it! I mean, it's hilarious!" Kat exclaimed, laughing some more. Mikey wrapped his arm around your shoulders, making you blush more.

"Hey! Kat, why!?" Mikey exclaimed, blushing and his arm still around you.

"Hehe, because it's funny. Plus, I need to get the story rolling! You know the the readers want! They want kissing! Now, preferably. I mean, it's been 21 chapters!" Kat explained.

"Kaaattt!" You whined.

"Ugh, fine." Kat huffed. Mikey took his arm off of you, but you wanted that warmth back.

"I know what you're thinking!" Kat exclaimed in a sing song voice. You blushed.

"Kat! Reading people's thoughts is my job!" You whined.

"Well, making people think those thoughts is my job!" Kat shot back.

"Hey, stop arguing!" Leo yelled.

"Sorry.." You mumbled.

"I applegize." Kat said. (That's a joke only my friend and I would understand hehe) Everyone looked at her funny

"It's an inside joke!" Kat huffed, crossing her arms.

"Well, maybe we should fix the fourth wall and return Kat to her universe." You said.

"Good idea!" Mikey exclaimed. "Now, how do we get you back?"

"I gotta go willingly." Kat said, smiling brightly. "But, if I stop forcing everybody to do things, maybe we could all get along!"

"Fair enough." Leo said.

"Let's start over. My name's Kat, or Katarina Nitkume, and I'm a neko, like Y/N."

DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN! Cliffhanger! Sorta.. Well, anyways.. So sorry I haven't been updating in AGES! I had no Internet for like two months. It's not the end of the world, but it's everlasting boredom.. and I can't post any new chapters for you all! If this isn't too late, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!


Raised With Turtles (Mikey x Reader) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now