Who Will She Choose?

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~random time skip to get to the point~


Leo and Raph have been pestering Kat about who she likes better. I guess I'm lucky, I've got my one and only. Mikey. He's a little upset he didn't have my first kiss but he can get over it, I was held at knife point. One day, Raph and Leo cornered her.

"You have to choose!" Raph said.

"Me or him!?" Leo said.

"I choose.. *grabs plush* Levi Ackerman!" She exclaimed. She hugged the plush tightly.

"What!? You pick a plush over me!?" They both yell at once.

"Tch, I'm more that just a plush, brat." The boys spun around to see THE Levi Ackerman. He walked past them and picked Kat up bridal style. "See ya." He ran out.

"That was....odd." I said. Raph and Leo were shocked. They then took out their weapons. "H-hey! Get back here!" They ran

"That's not a good idea-! *sigh*" I counted down from three on my fingers and the two boys ran back once I got to zero, panting.

"He's faster than light!" Leo said breathlessly.

"Couldn't even see him!" Raph panted.

~a few years later~

Kat had returned with Levi, telling everyone they're happily married and that there's a baby on the way. Mikey and I were married as well, also with a child along the way. Everything was perfect.

---THE END---

JUST KIDDING! It's only just begun! Mwahahahaha

Kat's POV

I woke up, being snatched away from that perfect dream.

"Aww, and it just got to the good part!" I pouted. "Welp, now time to dream about other fictional characters." I layed back down.

"KAT WAKE UP!!" I heard Raph yell from the living room. I groaned and got up, knowing he wasn't going to stop until I got up. I got dressed and walked out, Gypsy following me.

"Took ya long enough." Raph said. I huffed and walked into the kitchen, pouring myself some coffee and grabbed some bacon. I still have that TattleTail, Ciel. He likes to follow me around, too. I ate the bacon and drank my coffee, then sat on the couch, watching Space Heros with Leo. Gypsy and Ciel were sitting on the floor, watching it as well.

Sorry this chapter was a little short! I'm tired and this was originally gonna be a joke chapter. I guess it is, due to Kat's dream, but eh. I fixed it so it's now a real chapter. Okay, who should Kat end up with? Comment "Blue boss" for Leo and "Short hothead" for Rape or "Captain Ackerman" for Levi because IT CAN HAPPEN. Lel jk sorry. And OH MY DONUTS XD a few lines above, it's supposed to say "for Raph" but it auto corrected to "for Rape" XD Okay, Kitty Kat OUT

Raised With Turtles (Mikey x Reader) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now