Growing Up

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   You live your life with the turtles, who are a year older than you. Splinter goes out and tries to get normal food for you to eat. By the time you were two, Splinter started to teach you how to talk. "Hungry." Splinter said, teaching you the word. "Hun" You said, half learning the word. Splinter smiled, proud of you for saying something. You saw his smile, which made you happy. You clapped your hands in excitement. The turtles, which were three, already knew how to talk. Leo walked over, seeing what his sensai was doing. "Sensai? What are you doing?" He questioned. "I'm teaching (Y/N) how to talk." Splinter replied. "Oh." Leo walked away to his brothers. "So? What is he doing?" Raph asked his brother. "Teaching her how to talk, again." Leo replied. "Again?" Mikey butted in. "Well, you can't complain. You were the last one to learn to talk, Mikey." Donnie said, clearly annoyed by Mikey's griping. "Don't remind me." Mikey mumbled.

Sorry for the weird start! I hate to do so, but I'm not good at starting stories. I hope I'm not leading anyone off, or confusing everyone. I'm gonna try to edit at least 3 times a week. I'm so sorry if I can't. I'm going to start to P.O.Vs next chapter! See you kittens!

Raised With Turtles (Mikey x Reader) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now