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(The pic? I dunno.)

You snuck out of the room after making sure Mikey was asleep. You quietly dashed into the living room and fell asleep on the couch.

??? POV
I climbed down into the sewer like my master instructed me to. I don't know why his mortal enemy would be in the sewer. I walked around, ignoring the stench the best I could. I came to an opening in on of the walls where an old subway station used to be. If this isn't it, I don't know what is. I walked in and saw that this is the place. It had a kitchen, a TV, a couch, and- a H/C kitten?
'If this is his mortal enemy, then he must really hate cats.' I thought to myself. I decided to pick up the kitten and take it. If this isn't his enemy, then it might actually hurt his enemy since this was in his home. I took a quick look around. The coast was clear. I quietly dashed out and jumped up out of the sewers. The kitten was still asleep, good. I ran back to master's lair and sat the kitten down on an old pillow. I hope master will be pleased with my discovery.

Mikey POV

I woke up on the middle of the night, probably because I was hungry. I checked the top bunk for Y/N, but she wasn't there.
"Maybe she went to get something?" I asked myself quietly. I tip toed out of our room. I walked into the living room in search for Y/N, nothing. The kitchen, nothing. Leo's room, nothing. Raph's room, nothing. Donnie's room, nothing. I even checked Master Splinter's room, but there was no trace of her. Where has she gone?


You awoke and scanned your surroundings, discovering that this wasn't home. You panicked slightly. You were stolen during the night. You quickly and quietly got up and dashed across the room, using boxes as cover. Suddenly, your ears perked up and turned ever so slightly. You heard footsteps. Someone was coming.
You couldn't hide anywhere, so you decided to run back to the old pillow you awoke on and pretend to be asleep. You heard the footsteps come closer and stop right in front of you.
"Here she is, boss." You hear a voice. Most likely from a young boy. "I found her in the sewers, on a couch. It seems to me I found his lair."
"Good. That settles it. If they want her back, they'll have to come get her. But, why a cat?" You hear a gruff voice say.
"She was just laying there, sir. I decided if she was there, then she would have some connection to your mortal enemy, sir."
"Hm.. Well, it looks like a regular cat to me." This is where you decided to "wake up". You softly opened your eyes and yawned.
"Oh, look. She's awake." The young boy said.
"Tiger, I want to look after her and make sure she doesn't run away. Of anything peculiar happens, let me know." The man told the young boy,  which was addressed by "Tiger".
"Yes,  Master Shredder." Tiger replied. So the man's name was Shredder. You'd have to remember this.
"So, do you have a name?" Tiger asked you. You looked at him. He had green eyes and orange hair. His hair had black streaks in it. Probably why they call him Tiger. To answer his question, you mewed.
"Hm.. How about I call you Neko?" Tiger asked. You thought about it for a second and nodded slightly in agreement. I mean, if you we're gonna stay here for a while, they'd have to call you by something, right?
"It's settled. I'll now call you Neko." Tiger said. He was actually pretty nice for someone who kidnapped you in the middle of the night. But, if you were a kitten when he took you,  wouldn't be catnapped?

Hey everyone, sorry for the shorter chapter. I don't know what else to put in. Okai, bai my little Kats!

P.S. whenever I type something, it makes a sound of a cat meowing. The letters, the spacebar, the backspace/delete button, and the button that makes a new paragraph (I forget what it's called) all make different sounds. (*^ω^*)

Raised With Turtles (Mikey x Reader) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now