Chapter 18

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"My name is Kat, or Katarina Nitkume, and I'm a neko."

"You are??" You asked.

"Yes, I am." Kat said.

"Prove it." You said, crossing your arms.

"Okay.." Kat agreed. She closed her eyes and concentrated. You saw light appear near her head and back. The light took form of cat ears and tail. Her tail was odd. It split right at her back, like she had multiple tails. The three ends intertwine in a braid. Her ears were tall, like a lynx's. She was beautiful. Her ears and tail were black, which went beautifully with her long red hair. She was pretty short, shorter than Raph. Before she transformed, she had brown eyes. Now, she had violet eyes.

"This proof enough?" Kat asked, crossing her arms.

"That's plenty." You replied. Mikey snuck behind Kat and put a pink bow on her tail.

"What the hell!?" Kat exclaimed, her eyes flashed as Mikey jumped back. He started snickering.
"MIKEY!!" She nearly screamed.
"Eek!!" He squeaked and ran. Kat chased after him. You laughed. The chase went on for about a minute, until Kat tackled Mikey. She got up and dusted herself off, taking the bow from her tail. You noticed Raph was looking at her the whole time.

"Raph! Staring is rude!" You yelled at him. He looks at you angrily. But he was also blushing.
"I-I wasn't staring!" Raph yelled back. You and Kat looked at him, knowing he was lying.
"Like what ya see?" Kat teased, waving her tail at Raph. She laughed and Raph chuckled nervously, still blushing. Kat walked away. Then, she poked her head back in the room.

"Uh, where's the bathroom, again?" Kat asked. You pointed it out. "Thanks." Kat walked to where you pointed. She then yelled, "Who's room is this!?" You ran over to where she was.
"This is Raph's room." You said bluntly.
"I see.." Kat mumbled, looking around at the different weapons stuck on the walls.
"Those are mine." Raph said, entering the room. Kat took a weapon off the wall and examined it.
"I thought you had to use the bathroom." You said.
"I do." Kat replied, throwing the weapon at another wall, scratching Raph's arm, first.
"Ow! Kat, what the hell!?" Raph exclaimed.
"Sorry Raph." She mumbled and walked to the bathroom.
You walked out of Raph's bedroom back to the living room. Raph rushed to the kitchen to cover up his bleeding arm.
"Who did that?" Leo asked Raph.
"Kat.." He mumbled. Then Kat walked in the room and you, Raph, and Leo looked at her.
"Woah, don't worry. I flushed and washed my hands." She joked.
"How'd you end up scratching Raph's arm? You use your 'claws' or something?" Leo questioned Kat.
"Nah, I threw one of the weapons I took off the wall and Raph was in the way." Kat explained. "Plus, that's what he's gets for staring." She added jokingly, smiling.
"I'm ninety percent sure nekos don't grow claws when they transform." You said.
"Oh, trust me. They do." Kat said, holding her hands up. There were long fingernails, painted black. "When I'm not like this, my nails are stubby because I always chew them." She explained. You "huh."ed at this.
"And how come I don't have these.. abilities?" You questioned.
"Well, you'd have to express your neko side more. The more your in it, the more you grow in that form. It's kinds like gaining experience to level up in a video game. Sometimes certain powers are locked until a certain level, than you have to earn or buy that power. You'd have to earn it. There's no buying powers in the real world. Unless you count the newest technology that only billionaires could afford." Kat ranted.
"So Y/N's life is a video game?" Mikey asked.
"Yeah, pretty much." Kat responded. You checked the time. It was late. You hoped Leo wouldn't notice since this was interesting. I guess you just had the worst luck.
"Hey guys, it's getting late." Leo piped up. You groaned.
"What about Kat? Where's she gonna go?" You questioned.
"Aw, I'm touched you care about me." Kat said, placing her hand on her chest for dramatic effect.
"Will you be okay on the couch, Kat?" Leo asked.
"Seriously? The couch? I think we should stay up and talk about better places to sleep." You argued.
"Nice try, Y/N." Leo said.
"I'm fine with the couch," Kat said. "Honestly."
"If you say so, Kat." You said, shrugging. You walked into your room while Mikey wasn't in there and got dressed. It was cold tonight so you put on your kitty cat onsie. (How ironic.) You climbed into bed and turned to face the wall. You heard Mikey crawl into his bed. You turned to face the door to get comfortable.
"Y'all better not be doin' any funny business in the middle of the night. I need my sleep, or I'll get cranky. And you don't wanna see me cranky." Someone said in the darkness. You recognized this voice as Kat.
"Kat, what're doing in my room!?" You whisper yelled.
"You're room? I thought this was our room!" Mikey whisper yelled at you.
"Well, excuuuuuuuse me!" You whispered at him.
"Both of you shut it!" Kat whispered yelled. "Now get some sleep." She walked back to the living room. You slowly drifted off to sleep.

Idk what to say sooo... see ya in the next chapter!

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