Chapter 15

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Dawn's P.O.V

I was absolutely furious!

My stylist told me that I was jut going to be dressed in black, she never told me I was going to be the mockingjay, or that we were going to burn the flag! I thought we were holding the flag out of respect for the Capitol.

She said that the Capitol would understand the message, that was her answer even if I tried to ask what message it was. I didn't know it was going to be the message of rebellion.

I ran right up to my room on the 13th floor. Cole tried to talk to me about why I was upset, "Come on. Dawn! You have to come out of your room sooner or later! Please I might be able to help you."

"NO! Go away! I don't want to talk to anyone! I NEED TO SEE MY BROTHER!"

Cole sounds like he's getting frustrated now, "You know what, fine, ill leave you alone."

I hear his footsteps walk away from my room.

How could Felicity (my stylist) do this! It didn't only put her in danger, but me to! And my brother! And even all the innocent people living in the districts and all they Capitol citizens!

She doesn't understand what impact this is going to have.


I scream into my pillow, at least it will muffle the sounds a bit.

I about my brother lying in his hospital bed right now, probably drawing. He was an amazing little artist. Every time I got money from work I would always spend half of it getting him stuff to draw with. It really was the least I could do. He made a lot of drawings for me, I would hang them up in his room so that he would be happier, also considering I would have no where else to out them.

The more and more I bought about Trevor the more I felt my anger drifting away. It was replaced by a new emotion, an emotion that was hard to explain. But now I have to win, I have to win to save Trevor. With the money I could pay all the hospital bills and it will help him get better!

I started to eat bored because now I had nothing to do. So I decided to finally leave my room. I walked over to the elevator really quickly so no one would see me. I hit a random button and was taken to a floor.

It took me to the 11th floor where the district 11 tributes were staying. Well this is good, I might make some new friends and possibly allies!

Jason's P.O.V

I lie in my in my bed trying to sleep, its hard though cause something's keeping me up but I don't know what. I decide to walk out to the living room and sit on the couch. Mostly everyone is asleep, except me. I turn on the television and watch the chariots. Autumn looked so beautiful during the chariots, those colors just matched her Perfectly. I look at a couple other tributes trying to find a good Allie. I see district 5 is trying to get some good sponsors, their wearing silver clothes and as they wave to the roaring and screaming crowd, sparks start to rise from beneath them. Also there are two beams beside them shining light in other directions. And I can't believe what district 13 did, the boy dressed up as a peacekeeper and the girl dressed up as a mocking jay as they held the Capitol flag except the flag was on fire.

I watch a bit more and hear the elevator open, I didn't think autumn left, but it must be her everyone else is asleep. While not paying much attention, I say "hey Autumn" and pat the seat beside me so she can come sit down. I hear a different voice that says "I'm not Autumn, I'm Dawn" Then I hear footsteps as she comes and sits next to me, I look at her in shock and ask "why are you here?"still looking at her "well I decided to look for some allies and I got bored" she says. "well I'm Jason" I say with a smile, she smiles as well. We watch the chariots on the television then she asks "so what weapon do you use?" I pause the TV,

"I don't really have a weapon, what do you use?" I ask, she turns to me and says "I throw knives" I turn off the TV and say "Cool" then I ask "Do you miss your district at all?" She thinks for a second and says "Ya" she says then slowly I see tears start to form in her eyes she continues by saying "because my brother is sick in the hospital and I don't no if he'll survive" she starts to cry and she puts her head on a pillow. I bring her closer to me and she puts her head on my chest, she's still crying so I try to comfort her "at least your family members with take care of him" I say and she starts crying a bit more and she tries wiping her eyes "I don't have any family members left, he's all I've got" she says And now I feel sorry for her, she still cries on my chest but I wipe her eyes and comfort her by bringing her into a hug, she eventually stops crying, "thanks" she says, I look at her and say "your welcome".

We sit side by side and talk for a while. "So what's your strategy?" I ask her

"Well I think I'll run to the cornucopia and grab what I can then find someone to partner with and stay away from other tributes" she says

"Oh, that's a good one, I think I'll use that too" I says while smiling

"If I can ill try and find you" I say, she smiles then says "ok" then I pull her into a hug, when I release I say "you better go get some sleep, we have training tomorrow" she stands up and says "you too" then enters the elevator and leaves.

Dawn's POV

I press the number 13 button on the elevator and wave goodbye to Jason. As soon as I am on my floor I see that no one's up. I tip toe over to my room and lay down in bed. I think about Jason, how he comforted me, how nice he was, I don't know how I feel about Jason but I know that I have feelings for him. I slowly drift of into a heavy sleep.

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