Chapter 24

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Jason's POV

I wake up to see autumn still laying her head on my chest still asleep. She sleeps so peacefully, it makes me smile knowing that she's mine. I lay beside her in no rush to get up and go eat. Just looking at her makes me feel happier.

She suddenly shifts in her sleep and moves around a bit looking for a more comfortable spot then just lies still again.

I let my head fall back into the softness of pillows and close my eyes. Nothing really goes through my mind right now, almost everything's perfect. The only flaw is that we're going into the games but I've got a plan and I know it will work.

I open my eyes again and see autumn still asleep. I lie there and get bored so I decide to wake her up.

I lean over to her and press my lips against hers. When I release she opens her bright blue eyes and smiles.

"Good mourning beautiful" I say with a smile.

"Good mourning" she says blushing.

I feel like never getting up and just staying here in the warm covers, just me and autumn.

"How was your sleep?" I ask.

"Good" she replies "how was your's?"

"Great! very comfortable" I say.

We lay in the covers, her in my arms cuddled beside me. I could lie here all day.

I suddenly hear footsteps outside my room and the door bursts open, Tyai comes walking in and spots us cuddled beside each other. Tyai is our mentor, he has hazel eyes and short brown hair. He's looks about at the age of 22. He's pretty tall and a little muscular.

"Sorry to break this up but you guys need to be getting ready and trained for the interviews" he says.

"Fine." I say frustrated.

I let go of Autumn and she sits up in front of me. She looks at me with her blue eyes sparkling and says "see you soon".

She leans in for a kiss and we press our lips together. Each kiss we share makes me love her even more. When she releases I say "I love you Autumn" she hugs me and says "I love you too".

She gets up and walks to the door way. She turns back and waves then I wave back, before she turns I blow her a kiss. I know she saw me because she blushes and turns away. She walks out of my bedroom and I get up too, to put a fresh pair of clothes on. I throw on some skinny jeans and a blue stripped V neck T-shirt.

I walk out of my room and head to the table. The table has food all over, Different varieties. I grab the plate of pancakes and put two on my plate, I also grab a piece of bacon and a roll. I don't get why but I just down really feel very hungry.

I finish my small meal almost instantaneously, then I am rushed to a room. They guide me down a narrow hall then I am pushed into a room.

"Where am I?" I ask.

"We're just getting stuff" he says.

"Ok then" I say then I'm being guides back down the narrow hall and brought into the loving room. I sit down on one of the many and Tyai plops himself down in a chair beside the couch I'm sitting on.

"Okay now first, we're gonna start with a few questions" he says "What was your reaction when you first saw the Capitol?"

"It was shocked at how amazing and big it looked."

"Okay good so far but try and have a smile on your face Except when he asks you a serious question."

"Okay" I say then put a casual smile on my smile.

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