Chapter 32

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Quinn's POV

A salty ocean breeze flies through me sending chills down my back as I sit in the white sand. Sadly the sun still beats down on me cooking me to the bone, the only thing keeping me alive is the water that rushes up the shore every few seconds and the soft breeze otherwise I'd be fried up as fast as you could say dead.

My belt of knives holds every knife except one which I grasp tightly in my hand in case of any attacks. My eyes linger around in my surroundings, bright blue sky, pink floating clouds, exotic greenery, the crystal clear salty waters and lively swaying palm trees.

I try to say something but my throat is perched, I haven't drank in few days, the only water there is, is sea water but that's salt water. The sent of salt is floating in the air and that isn't helping with the problem.

My forehead has now been cooked for too long and now it's red and stings, I crawl over to a palm tree and prop myself against the stump attempting at getting comfy.

The sun is still blazing but the shade of the palm tree hides me from it. Our shelter sits under a palm tree across from me and so far I've been keeping a good guard of it. Our shelter is fairly small but cosy. The roof of the shelter is thick stick held together by vine but on a slant towards the back giving us a good view of in front of us. The Roof of our small little hut is held up with large, stable logs and for the floor we used large green leafs. A few feat away from the hut lies a tipi fire we built for tonight and in the hut lies some of our supplies.

A sleeping bag lies in the corner and beside is a bed of pine we found in the forest. We found out that there's different biomes all around and we've been in the forest, the mountains of the large grassy field and now we're in the jungle.

We also grabbed a bag which had a cloth, some wire, a sleeping bag, matches, a net, a blanket and a few packages of crackers. Luke also found a compass lying on the ground at the cornucopia and he picked it up.

Thalia has her bow and a quiver of arrows which she got at the golden horn but there was only one so Luke made his own, not as powerful as Thalia's but still very lethal.

They went hunting today and so far haven't come back, they told me to collect some food they thought was safe and I found some coconuts, some wild fruit, some roots and other small nuts, it lies in a pile at the shelter already sorted.

I sigh in boredom as I wait for Thalia and Luke to come back from their journey.

Thalia's POV

I load an arrow as I walk cautiously through the jungle with Luke at my heels. I grasp the handle of the bow tightly as we walk silently. The odd bird would chirp but silence has fallen over the jungle otherwise.

"I think we should head-" my sentence is cut when I notice Luke staring up above us in a wide eyed way.

I glance over to where he stares and see giant apes peering at us through tangled vines. Large numbers of them stare at us with no movement until a piercing scream fills the air and that's when I notice they're teeth, it looks at though they have razors for teeth.

"Run!" I scream then I start to run towards the shore to where Quinn is. Crashing through tangled vines, leaves and other plants in search for the shore. Luke is right behind me keeping a sharp eye on apes while running.

My lungs start to plead for air, long gasps of thick oxygen draw from my mouth. I thrash through the vines until I find the shore.

The sun slashes across my eyes blinding me but I keep running. My eyes soon adjust to the sudden light and I scan the area. I find Quinn at the shore startled by the commotion. I run over to him alongside Luke who gasps for air with heavy pants. The apes are now surrounding us leaving us pressed again the crashing waves. Our only choice is to fight or swim away.

Another glass shattering scream pierces the air and the apes come in at full attack. I rip two arrow out of my quiver and nock them quickly. I draw the string far giving the arrows some force and the two arrows soon find its target.

Quinn's POV

The apes launch theirselves at us and we take them down one by one. Each of their numb bodies soon enough hit the ground with a thud. We make each weapon count. With the blade swirling around in the air it finds it's new target and another body slumps down to the ground.

I yank a long knife free from my belt and run at an ape charging at me. It throws his fists at me but I dodge it swiftly and swerve the knife to make it cut through its chest. It falls to the ground, it's blood staining the white sand that lays underneath.

The apes soon retreat inside the jungle and I sigh in relief when they reach out of view.

I look over at Thalia with a smile and she accepts it and returns it with a brighter one. I look at Luke who's now weapon less except for his bow. All his arrows lay in the chests of apes.

Luke sends a smile towards me but that's isn't long until he falls to the ground. Me and Thalia exchange a confused glance then we notice a black figure run out of the bushes and at Luke.

Thalia's POV

A cold and dark figure rushes himself towards Luke's limb body. He picks Luke up and tries to run away but I won't let that happen. I string an arrow and quickly draw and fire. The arrow sinks into the tribute's calf and he stumbles but keeps running with a limp.

"No!" I hear Quinn scream from behind me. I turn to see him on his knees crying. I rush myself to his side to comfort him but I'm not sure how to. His brother might be as good as dead.


So sorry for the long wait! I'm also really sorry that my writing was kind of sloppy. I just really wanted to finish...

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