Chapter 19

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Rhine's POV

Darkness, is all I see as my sleepy eyes open. I guess I closed the blinds and instead of sunlight pouring in, nothing but darkness surrounds me.

From having a long restful sleep I feel already prepared for our sessions with the game makers yet I don't actually know if I'm ready.

I sit up in my bed thinking about what could happen, if they don't like me, if I get a bad score, all these questions bounce in my head.

I moan as I step out of the warm covers of the bed and stand stretching and try to be fully awake and ready.

I don't wanna be just another tributes, I wanna have pride and strength and I'll try my best to show that to the game makers.

I find my training clothes in one of the many droors on my dresser. I walk out into the hallway still half asleep. Yawning, I walk over to the dinning room. I realize no ones there, so I sit here thinking, what should I do for the training session, obviously tridents but what else, maybe spears?

I am started as my mentor Talon comes in, he's more of the quiet type but he still gives me good advice that might as well same my life.

"Seems like you've been up a while" he says.

"Actually I just woke up" I say in reply while yawning.

"Are you ready for your private session with the game makers?" he asks me.

"Considering I'll be going to fight to the death, I'm as ready as I'll ever be" I say to him.

Just then Amber walks in looking wide awake and ready for anything. She walks over towards us with a smile on her face.

"Looks like the boys are up" she says while walking past us to sit down at the other side.

"Are you ready for the private sessions" Talon asks like he said to me.

"I feel as ready as ever!" she says sounding strangely excited.

"Why do you sound so excited?" I ask.

"Because I wanna prove I'm not completely worthless in these games" she says in reply.

We eat a lot of food, cause we need a lot of energy but I'm just nervous and I eat when I'm nervous so that's why I'm having seconds.

"Rhine, I know you need energy but I don't this you should have that much food" he says concerned.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine" I say lying.

We head over to the elevator and walk in and turn around to see the doors already closed. When the elevator doors open an advox leads me over to the waiting room where the tributes wait. It's not like a bunch of couches or anything fancy, it's just a couple small benches. We all wait for the first name to called but so far nothing, I guess their setting stuff up. I feel as more tributes come in, the more heat comes, you can tell everyone's nervous but Crone and Hazel, their grinning to themselves and planing things.

When I hear the first name called I rush over to her and hug her before she goes in.

Amber's POV

I stare at the ground as I walk past all the other courses to the spear throwing section. I pick it up and feel the blade, sharp and small yet very useful.

The game makers watch my every move, I bring the spear back and throw. I hear the the thump on the dummy and hear from the game makers some strange noises, mostly gasps. I throw a couple other spears until i move on to hand on hand combat. I pick up the sword and start to feel the intensity in this room, all around me, dummy's, I slice in every direction that a dummy's in, all of the dummy's loosing limbs, I look over my shoulder I see one last dummy behind me and turn swiftly and slice it's neck making its head fall to my feet. I hear the small crowd up there murmuring words to the person next to them, the one that makes me feel good is when I hear someone whisper "looks like these games are gonna be good this year, cause this girl's a fighter.

"You are dismissed" I hear one the guys say as he stands up, as I walk away all I feel is happiness.

Rhine's POV

I hear my name being called and walk into the training center. When your all alone it looks huge. I walk over to the trident section and pick it up by the handle. I hear some gasp's behind me and hear some whispers but I don't really pay attention.

I pull the trident almost behind my head before I throw. It hits the dummy right in the stomach.i throw a couple others then move on to spears. Once I throw, I hit the dummy right in the arm. when I throw my others they don't really hit valuable places so now I'm worried.

"You are dismissed" the game maker says

I walk away thinking of what would my score be and thinking if its bad.

What if I die in these games, what happens?


Sorry guys for not updating in a long time I had huge writers block and sorry for the short chapter, next chapter I'll finish all the private sessions.

Thx and please vote!


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