Chapter 31

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Autumn's P.O.V

Nine. Nine tributes are already dead and the games have just started. About eight actually happened durning the bloodbath, and one had just died minutes ago.

It was hell. People screaming bodies lying dead on the ground. The bodies of kids that I had spoken just days before. Their glassy un-seeing eyes staring into the sky. Their lives ripped away from them in a matter of seconds, and I fear that soon I will meet the same fate.

I had run to the cornucopia and ran out so fast into the trees. The trees that were on the other side of the cornucopia because there was no water there. Most of the tributes will be drawn towards it, so I will stay away until I need water.

I had grabbed a small black backpack as well as the weapon I needed most, the blow-gun and darts. I had noticed that the arena was split into eight different sections, and I had to find the snow one. Because there, there is a plant that is almost hidden underneath the layers of snow although part of it leaves stick out. That plant releases a poisonous liquid that I will soak the blow-darts in, making them more deadly.

Right now I am walking through a grassy meadow, avoiding the tallest grass because who knows what's hiding in there. I hear some twigs break behind me, and I quickly turn my head to face the sound.

The moon brightens up the sky giving me light see and the stars twinkle in the softly from up above.

There's nothing. No movement, just the sound of my soft breathing. Out of no where a tribute comes crashing out of the tall grass and pushes me to the ground. Before I have time to react my blow-gun is thrown from my hand and someone clamps their hand over my mouth. I try to scream and struggle but I am being held down. "Shhhhh... It's ok I'm not going to hurt you."

I stop struggling and take a close look at my 'attacker'. She has dark skin and brown curly hair, her eyes are hazel and full of caution. She looks scared but not for herself but for me.

She unclamps her hand from my mouth and helps me stand up.

"My name is Amber, district 1."

I'm confused, why would a career be talking to me in the middle of the hunger games, let alone help me stand up. "What do you want?"

She doesn't hesitate to answer,

"I came here to warn you. I know that there is something going on between you and Jason... Crone is planning on hunting Jason down and killing him specifically because he got a better score. I thought if I told you ahead of time, you would be able to warn him and his allies before Crone finds him."

I stare at her shocked, I understand that this is the hunger games but Jason's life is being threatened along with me and the rest of his team.

"If I know Crone, he won't stop until Jason and anyone associated with Jason is dead, that means you, Jason's allies and maybe even me."

I don't even know what to say,

"Thank you Amber. You are risking your life for this-"

"It's no problem, I want you two to be happy. And alive. I have to go now, good luck Autumn."

And with that she was gone.

"I have to find Jason."

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