Chapter 9

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Quinn's POV

I'm at the reaping, all the people around frightens me but then I realize it's only 2 being chosen.

The Capitol man says his boring old speech and gets on to picking the names. First is the girl's, "Annalee Mase" the man shouts, it's just some girl- wait a minute that's someone in my class. It's the quiet one that always draws, she makes her way up to the stage and wobbles and looses her balance but manages to regain it without falling. She looks brave but I can tell that she crying in her mind.

That's something in our family, that you can tell when people are lying and when there hiding something, that's why I try to not say any lies in front of my dad, if I do and he knows I'm lying, I get slap right across the face.

I don't realize but the man already has the paper and shouts it out, all I hear is "Quinn- and suddenly I can't hear a thing. Everything looks like it's frozen. The people around me start to back away from me like iI've got a knife in hand pointing it at them. I start breathing heavily and dash for my brother, I find Luke in the 17 year old section and jump right in his arms. I close my eyes hoping this didn't happens and it was only a dream but it's not. Tears start to pour down my face and peacekeepers behind me grab me and try to make me let go but I won't. I get a glimpse of Annalee on stage acting all brave and she see's me and go's like what a coward. I have so many tears that I can barely see. My vision is gone my hearing is gone my whole life is practically leaving me right now.

I'm still clinging on to my brother, not letting go at all. I see one last glimpse of Luke's face and then I scream "NO! NO! PLEASE NO! LUKE PLEASE HELP ME!". He looks at me as I hug him closely then everything go's black.

When I wake up, there are people shining a light on me saying my name, "Quinn, Quinn? are you awake?" a person says to my right, she's dresses in all white so I assume she's the doctor. "ya" I reply soon after, all the other people walk out the door, she turns to me and says "good because you passed out at the reaping". I hear a thump and figure out we're on the train, not as smooth as I expected but good enough I guess considering there still using it. She pulls an ice pack and putts it gently on my head, she writes some stuff on a clip board before walking out but before she's closes the door she pokes her head in and says "make sure to keep that ice pack on, stay hydrated and get some rest, then leaves the room keeping the door open a crack. I wonder around the train, it's amazing! so many different things from what we have back at home. A thought crosses my mind, what If the reaping was the last time I saw my family? what if I never see them again?, I try my hardest not to think about it.

I eventually find my room and remember what the doctor said so I quickly go to get some water and come back to my room. It's about 3:00 o'clock right now so I think I'll take a nap. I finish up my water and slide down the sheets and find a note from Luke. How did this get here?

Dear Quinn,

Your probably well on your way to the Capitol by now but I just wanted to say that I know you can do this, your strong, you can fight so now I need you to fight for me so that I will see you after the games. I managed to sneak this note in and myself. I'm in the last door of the trains hallway that says do not enter, so far no ones checked it so if you need me just come and knock and ill be there. I didn't technically sneak on your mentor Phoenix let me on. he agreed that I could stay on because he said that you would need me a bit longer and because we never got to say our goodbyes and he felt sorry for you.

I love you

From your brother Luke

I think about this carefully and think if he gets caught but he won't. I put the note on my night table and notice the locket and put it on then fall to sleep.

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