Chapter 10

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Quinn POV

When I wake up its about 5:00, in half an hour we have dinner so I think I'll go see my brother.

I walk out of my room, the air is mild. I walk down the hallway and spot Phoenix. I try not to make a sound and walk past him but in the corner of his eye he saw me. He starts to walk up to me, he has dirty blonde hair and in the sunlight, streaks of red, sharp blue eyes and a slightly more tanned skin tone.

He comes a little too close so I take a step back, he's about 27 I think, he's young I know that. "your brother seems to be good at hiding if no one's found him yet" he says with a smirk, "he's good at hunting too" I mumble. he walks around then stares at me, "let me guess you were gonna go see him?" I nod slowly, "tell him I said that once he leaves, ill take good care of you like I'm one of your brothers" he says kindly," like Luke dose".

I rush through the hallway and at the end, a door as expected. I knock then turn the handle and opening the door, and rush inside. No one's there until I hear "there you are I was waiting forever" coming from the right. He emerges from the shadow's and I run up and hug him. His warmth soothes me. We stay like this the whole time, arms around each other, my head near his chest, I hear him breathe slowly.

We release our hug and we sit down against a wall. Luke tells me all about how he got on and snuck in and about Phoenix.

Luke get's interrupted by Phoenix saying dinner's ready. "Luke" I say before leaving. he turns and says "yes Quinn?". I speak up and say "Phoenix wanted you to know, that he said that once you leave, he'll take good care of me like you did" I say. He nods and says "ok, let him know I said thanks" he says then I shut the door behind me.

As I walk to the dinning room I think of Phoenix. There's just something I like about him, either his kindness or his intelligence but something just makes me like him more then others do I don't know why. I feel like I know him but I have no clue who he is.

So far it's just Phoenix at the table. No one else yet.

I causally walk up to him, he thinks I'm gonna say something but right before he does I hug him. He seems confused but after a few seconds he also wraps his arms around me. then people start to come so I stand up and swiftly walk by him as if nothing happened.

For the first dinner I see baked potatoes, some juicy steak, some rolls, some roasted vegetables and a mushroom stew. All the extravagant scents fill my nose. My mouth is already watering, I wanna dig in right now, oh how I know Luke would want this.

I'm about to dig in, but then see how pleasant everyone else is handling their food so I just follow Phoenix. The Meal was amazing, I still have some in a napkin for Luke.

Phoenix starts to talk about strategies. "ok, so anyone of you too got any skills with weapons?" he says before finishing his food. Annalee looks at me with curiosity, I see Phoenix staring at me too, so I confess. "I'm pretty good at throwing knives and bow and arrow" I say then take a sip of some milk. I give Annalee the same glare she gave me and I see Phoenix copy me. She stays quiet, Phoenix starts laughing, "apparently, she don't like this", she lets out a chuckle then spills. "I'm more of a spear thrower if anything and I like knot tying" she says.

Everyone has left the table. I'm still sitting thinking of the games, what will happen, will I win, will I die a brutal death, it's hard to just forget about this or push it aside. I walk down the hall delivering the food to my brother. He says thanks then I'm of to bed.

I pull down my sheets and get some water and put it on my night table if I get thirsty. I take a sip, turn off the lights then go in the bed.

It's warm, everyone's asleep but me. I don't know what to do so I just lie here, under the layers and layers of blankets. Sweat, glistening down the side of my head.

I go to the end of the hall and open the door. There's my brother lying on the floor. I feel sorry for him.

I wake him up and he gets startled. "Do you wanna come in my bed" I ask him. A smile crosses his face and says "sure". We walk over to my room and pull down the sheets and go to bed and this time I actually fall asleep. Now it feels normal, now it feels like I'm at home with me and my brother.

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