Chapter 29

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Jason's POV

Machete in hand, I walk in the forest with Dawn and Annalee at my side. The trees stand tall and silent as the slight breeze flaps theirs branches the slightest bit.

I watch my step just in case I step on a twig or crunch a leaf. We've been walking for at least an hour now and sweat is already falling off my temple. My calf still has pain erupting from it and walking for an hour doesn't help.

"I suggest a rest." I say to break the silence of the three of us.

"I agree." I hear Annalee says then she plops herself down on a mossy log and starts to get herself comfortable.

"Fine." I hear Dawn grunt.

I walk over to the stump of a fairly large tree and prop myself against in. I lean back on the trunk and feel something uncomfortable on my back, I reach over and find the bag I got at the cornucopia, I almost forgot I got this.

I throw the bag of my back and toss it it in front of me. The bag is black and has a dark red zipper. I unzip the bag and start to rummage through all the things inside.

Inside I find a sleeping bag, a small first aid, a coil of rope, a filled water bottle, a grappling hook, a coil of wire, a compass, a few strips of raw beef and a net.

The weapons I have are a machete, an ax and a knife. I get out my water bottle and take small sips not wanting to waste all of it. I stuff the weird package and the extra net in my bag and keep the loaf out to eat.

"Guys, come! I've got some food." I say, their heads suddenly snap on me then they rush over to my side. There's about 12 slices so we each take 2 and leave the rest for later.

I raise my hand up to feed myself and after the first bite, I'm stuffing the rest in my mouth. The crust is crunchy and salty and the inside is soft and warm, it feels fresh. I soon finish my last piece and then we're up and moving.

I grab my pack and toss it on my back then we continue walking in our usual direction.

As we walk Dawn mentions that we hunt at the same time and that it would save us time later, Annalee objects the idea because she's not very lethal when it comes to hunting so we leave her in charge of climbing trees and looking for eggs and picking berries, roots and greens.

I decide on using my ax to use during hunting because I feel I'm better at hunting with an ax rather then with a machete, machete is for hand on hand.

We all decide on splitting up and we meet back to where we took are first rest in half an hour.

I grasp the handle of the ax tightly as I walk cautiously through the forest. The birds tweet from above me, flying from branch to branch. I look up and notice an owl looking in the opposite direction of me, hooting happily. I raise my ax then take a quick step then thrust the ax out of my hands and in the owls direction, it spirals through the air until it hits the owl, a loud screech erupts from the owls mouth and I cover my ears to block out the noise. The owl soon falls from the branch and crashes to the ground and a small puddle of blood starts to form around it.

I unplug my ears knowing its safe then I go to collect the owl, it was a rather plump owl and the ax sunk into the owls head. The fur is soft and clean so I must remember to keep this.

I start off with a jog and spot some squirrels on the ground scouring it for food, I decide on using my knife for this kill, I hold the knife by the blade then with a flick of my wrist I throw it. The knife finds the squirrel's eye and I carry it along side the owl.

I hunt for about another 15 minutes then I walk to where we took our last rest. In the 15 minutes, I caught a couple more squirrels, a groosling and a fox.

I eventually find the place where we took our last rest and I find Annalee sitting on the same mossy log, fiddling with her fingers. A medium sized pile of roots, berries and greens lay on a fairly large leaf beside the log.

I take one step and snap a twig and Annalee's head snaps in my direction, her eyes find mine relief fills her face and she smiles.

"I thought you were another tribute" she says patting a spot beside her on the log.

I chuckle and make my way over beside her, the moss is actually pretty comfy.

"So what did you get?" She asks me.

"Well, I got an owl, two squirrels and a a bird." I say counting the numbers on my fingers as I name them.

A smile crosses her face then slowly fades away away into a frown.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Well..." she says then a tear slips down her cheek,"I'm not good at anything, I'm just holding you guys down, I can't hunt, I can't run very fast, I'm just holding the team back." She says then turns away from me and stares at the ground.

"No your not!" I say immediately," your not slowing us down, your helping us! your providing us food! Your just as good as any of us on this team!"

"Thanks" she says then pulls me into a hug.

We fall silent for a out a minute until a high pitched scream fills the air, but it isn't just any scream.

"Dawn!" I yell, before I start bolting to where the scream came from with Annalee right behind. A cannon suddenly booms through the arena and worry crosses my face. Did Dawn just die?

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