Chapter 1

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"They say change is good every once in a while. They say it's better to start somewhere new and fresh rather than stay in one place your entire life," my mother says as I roll my eyes.

I obviously thought this was complete and utter bullshit coming out of her mouth on our drive to my first day of school. "It's ironic, isn't it?" I ask her more harshly than I meant to. "That you so happen to be saying this on the morning I start my new high school, because you decided to pack us up and move again." I knew her speech was only for self-purposes, trying to justify her actions. I've been to nearly 8 schools in the last 3 years. I'm so sick of starting over. God knows that's why I have trust issues with people.

"Calum, honey, I'm sorry. I really am. This is the last stop, I promise," she tells me as I look annoyed out the window. "You know how much my writing means to me and this move will affect it dramatically for the best. Just please bear with me." I nod and sigh in defeat. As much as I hate the fact of us moving constantly, I care about my mother more than she realizes. I think that's why I deal with her moving shit. Because as much as I hate it, it makes her craft better, which brings her joy. I just need to learn how to suck it up and get used to it.

I'm pulled away from my thoughts when the car suddenly hits a dramatic halt, which could only mean one possible thing. School. I cringe before I even catch sight of the school. "Come on, Calum. I need to make sure all your classes are sorted out before you can start," my mom says kindly, knowing the the topic of school will get me worked up. "Yeah," I respond back wearily.

As soon as we get out the car, I begin to take in everything around me to avoid engaging in conversation with my mother. A huge banner drapes down from the school saying, "Sunshine High." I immediately think this school is (A) poor, (B) perky as fuck, or (C) stupid as hell. Neither of those 3 options make me excited at all. Why exactly would you name a high school Sunshine High? The stupidity in people ceases to amaze me.

My mother and I make our way through the school to the principle office on the 1st floor towards the center of the hallway. I sat down outside the office as she went in to sort things out. I got a few dirty glances from students, but I quickly shook them off because, may I remind you, this isn't my first time being a new student. There were these 3 boys who stood out the most. They weren't dressed like everyone else, and they sure didn't act like it, seeing as my existence didn't even phase them when I walked by. They stood poised at their lockers, almost like soldiers. That is, 'till a brown headed boy wearing a plaid button up shirt, blue jeans, and uggs walked toward a blonde one saying, "Lukey," and hugged him in a tight embrace. Once they released each other, their lips quickly pressed on one another's faces, making my skin crawl.

I know what you're thinking, that I'm a homophobic, which I am not. I support it 100 percent honest. I believe in people being who they want to be. But I've never actually seen anything like it in person. At this point, I was staring and hadn't really realized it 'till the brown headed boy came running toward me. He lifted me off my chair and pinned me against the wall so fast, I would've never guessed a guy wearing uggs could be so strong. He smelled like he took way too many breath mints and reeked like dollar store cologne.

"What the fuck are you looking at?" he yells in my face. "Nothing, you fucking Neanderthal!" I spit back. "Get the fuck off of me," I yell as I push him off me. "Why the hell were you staring at me kiss my boyfriend, then?" he questions, but I know for a fact he's mocking. "I didn't mean to," I say more hushed than I meant to while going back to my seat. And at that moment, my mother decided to come out, thank the Lord Jesus Christ.

As soon as they caught sight of my mother, all four of them turned mumbling to themselves. I couldn't make out much, but all I could hear was the brown-headed one say to Luke, "He's so gay that his boner was so visible when I lifted him against the wall." The three guys hysterically break into laughs and continue walking the opposite direction.

Before I get up to stand beside my mother, I look down at my pants and realize what he said was true. There was a full visible bulge down in the center of my pants. Just fucking great, I thought to myself.

As I stand awkwardly trying to cover myself up next to my mother, the principle decided to introduce himself. "Good morning. My name's Mr. Radcliffe and I'll be your principle for the remainder of the school year. I hope you find a liking to our school and the high advanced honor classes you're taking." He leads us down the hall to a classroom while continuing, "Our teachers are some of the best in the district. Everyone here is determined to make each student successful no matter how that may be." As soon as he said that, I thought to myself, "Yeah, for the girls to become successful strippers, and the boys to be pathetic drug addicts." I snicker a little too loud than I was supposed to, and my mother swats at my arm and shoots me a dangerous warning look. I immediately look to the ground and keep quiet. "Ah, here we are," Mr. Radcliffe continues. "Honors Math. I hope you enjoy your day and the remainder of your school year here." I assume he introduced the class as "Honors Math" because he didn't know the actual name of the course. Stupid ass. He sends us my mother and I a warming smile before leaving.

I look up to my mother when I realize Mr. Radcliffe is gone. A worried expression comes upon her face. I know exactly what's coming next. "Mom, don't cry," I sigh as I pull her into a hug. "I've been to schools before this. This isn't any different. I'll be fine and I'll see you in a couple of hours," I add. "I know. It's just that this is your last year, and I can't help but think of how much you've grown up since your father left." She almost cries into my shoulder. "Mom, relax. I'll see you later," I say and squeeze her tightly. "Now leave before I get written off as the mama boy of the school," I laugh jokingly. She smiles and pulls me in one more time for a tight embrace. She then leaves, always looking back every few feet. Ugh mothers, I groan.

As soon as she turns the corner, I walk into the classroom only to see myself hating life because as soon as I walk in, there stands the 4 boys from the hallway. Great. Just fucking great, I think to myself.

Unpredictable | Luke Hemmings & Calum Hood. (Cake/5SOS)Where stories live. Discover now