Chapter 2

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I approach the the front of the classroom with great caution. I can feel the four boys from the hallway's eyes on me like laser beams. I don't even know why they're staring, honestly. Like, they aren't fucking perfect either. One of them has blue hair, for crying out loud! Blue fucking hair. But yet they're staring at me? Teenagers never make sense.

I came toward the teacher's desk and handed him a sheet of a paper with my transcripts on it. He nods, almost pleased with me. He gets up and says, "Class, this is Calum Hood. He's a new student here at Sunshine High-" "No shit he's a new student," the brown headed boy interrupts. The teacher rolls his eyes and completely ignored the brown headed one's comment like it was never even said. "And he deserves to be treated with respect seeing it's his first impression of us," the teacher continues while looking directly at the brown head. "And Tyler, I hope you keep all your shitty sarcastic side comments to yourself, or I'll have you in a years worth of detention in a second," he said coldy.

I liked this teacher; it's the way he treated his students and came about himself. Or maybe it's the way he fucking told off the guy I hate the most in this school already and it hasn't even been a full hour. Yup, more like the second reason why I like him. What kind of name is Tyler anyway, really? That's one of the most common names ever. Figures, the brown head seems common.

The teacher then said, "My name is Mr. Rodriguez, but you can call me Mr. R." I then sent him a reassuring smile, while he motioned me to an empty seat. There was only one empty seat in the entire class and it was right next to Luke. Just my luck, I thought rudely to myself. I'm actually really surprised there's an empty seat next to Luke. You would think his boyfriend would be sitting next to him. I didn't think too much into it because that's when the first period bell rang, beginning the class.

I hardly paid attention, honestly. The whole time I kept watching Luke, and I caught him watching me a couple times. It was just in the middle of class, while Mr. R was going over what he expects from us during the year, when Luke turned toward me whispering. "Hey, I'm Luke," he says. He can't be serious, I think to myself. I was set on ignoring him all together seeing that his stupid boyfriend fucking attacked me. But I found myself battling my head and my mouth. My mouth won the battle and spoke. "I'm Calum..." I replied a little shakily. "I'm sorry what Tyler did to you this morning. He can be annoying at times," he said sending a small smile. "It's fine. I'm used to idiots like him thinking they can scare everyone," I laugh way too confidently. Before I can stop myself, I blurt out, "Are you really dating him?" Luke puts his gaze on Tyler and I sink down in my chair. I'm such a fucking idiot. Why did I ask that? It's not like I even care. I have a girlfriend, an amazing girlfriend, so I don't need to befriend this shit head.

"No, we aren't," Luke says harshly. "We just fuck around. He has, what would you say, issues. He's way too clingy and needy to be my boyfriend." When the words escaped his mouth, his harsh expression lightens into a half smile, but Tyler turns, looking hurt. I'm guessing he heard, and I feel really bad now, yet happy at the same time.

The next few seconds are unpredictable. Tyler gets up, walking toward me, and pushes me out my seat. Great. Just what I need right now! If I get into a fight on my first day of school, my mother will lose it.

"Listen, you fucking stupid piece of shit!" Tyler yells in my face. "What, darling?" I question, clearly trying to get a rise out of him. "You gay son of a bitch, stay the fuck away from Luke or else I'll pound your face in cement!" I thought to myself for a second, this kid must be really stupid. He absolutely makes no sense. How the fuck is he in Honors Math? "Say it, don't spray it," I snap back, pushing him off me and getting on my feet. "For starters, I'm not fucking gay, you cock sucker, and 2nd of all, your fucking 'boyfriend' just said you weren't even dating, so don't take your anger out on me. Talk to him about it!" I practically shouted, and I sat back in my seat calmy. People must think I'm crazy.

Luke sits back in his chair and says harshly, "He's right, Tyler. You aren't my boyfriend; you know that. WTF is your problem? What did you attack him for?" There was no type of emotion in his voice. I can feel everyone's eyes on me. I've never had this much attention, ever. The thought of the whole class staring at me makes my stomach turn.

Tyler seemed hurt by Luke's words, and stormed out of class. Mr. R then lets out a laugh. "Ah, even the gays have their normal high school drama." The whole class, even Luke, laughs.

Luke is one of those popular gay kids, the ones who can be out completely without a problem, and still have girls obsess over them. Typical.

After hours of what seemed like nonsense in each and every class I had today, it's finally lunch time. I avoid the cafeteria completely. I'm not in the mood for any conflict, and I've been through enough to last me a decade. I opened my locker and set all my stuff there. I only have one more class and it's Music, so that should be a breeze.

As I'm packing up for music and to go home after, I see blue hair from a mile away. Moments later, I'm then greeted by a blue headed kid. "Hey, I'm Michael, fag," he says, presenting his hand for me to shake it. I roll my eyes at him and bring my attention back to my locker. He lets out a laugh, realizing what he said had affected me. "I don't know why you're such a wuss. We all know you're gay; you had a boner this morning while watching Tyler and Luke kiss. Then, you made Luke admit he didn't give a fuck about Tyler. That's pretty fucked up and deep," he says. "I didn't make him say anything. I didn't have a boner this morning; maybe you should get your eyes checked," I protest, trying to defend myself. "Yeah, sure," he mutters. "If you know what's good for you, you won't fuck with Luke. You saw how harsh he was to Tyler today. You seem like a nice kid, and whatever Luke touches, he fucks up. He could easily fuck your life up," he says, almost caring, and leaves me completely alone in the hallway to my thoughts.

He could fuck up my whole life? How? I had no idea but I knew one thing for sure. These boys in this damn school curse way too much for an average teenager.

Unpredictable | Luke Hemmings & Calum Hood. (Cake/5SOS)Where stories live. Discover now