Chapter 40

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Staring down at the boy in front of me, my stomach begins to churn. He's Steven. I don't know who he is, really, or how he even links to Luke, but he does and the thought of it makes my body weak.

I'm snapped out of my intense stare on the olive-colored boy in front of me by his father offering me something to eat and me quickly shaking my head, trying to compose myself.

"Are you sure? Have you eaten today?" my father presses and I tell him I'm positive.

"I'm just tired," I lie, feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket, knowing it's Luke.

"Show him to his room, Steven," Connor tells him and my dad smiles at me, pleased. These two aren't bad people. Well, Connor isn't, but I highly doubt they know that Steven spends his days getting high before science class.

I shouldn't be quick to judge him, though. Maybe he isn't what I think of him. Maybe he has reasoning for what he does. Maybe he has a story, but either way, I don't care to know. The guy gives me the chills and not in a good way. How am I supposed to feel comfortable here? What if he brings girls over, or friends when our fathers aren't around? What if they just spend their days secretly getting high and fucking each other senseless? All of these thoughts continue as I wish a goodnight to my dad and Connor before exiting the kitchen and following Steven down a stairwell I hadn't seen when I came into the house.

The stairwell is narrow and painted black. Once at the bottom, he swings open the door and we're immidiately met with a miniature-sized living room. There's two couches, a lounge chair, and a wooden table with drawers on each side. There's a large TV hanging from the wall and a bathroom off to the left side while on the right, there's three doors leading to God knows what.

"The basement's sorta of an apartment within itself," he goes on, gesturing to the small living room. "My dad thought it'd be cool to make it to buy off my love," he says nonchalantly.

"This is my room," he goes, pointing to the first white door.

He then opens the door next to it and I'm met with a washer and dryer with a laundry bin. Steven says I can use it whenever I please. I just have to make sure to let them know when the detergent's running low and he closes the door loudly.

The final door is my room, I assume as I watch Steven swing the door open carelessly.

"This is your room," he confirms and follows me in, plopping himself at the foot of the bed and I decide to sit on the floor, not knowing exactly how to act around this kid.

"I would've never guessed the guy my dad's fucking would be your's," he says and I cringe at the thought of two old men fucking, especially one being my dad.

"Nothing personal," he adds. "It's just you seemed like the type to have a perfect family with a mom and a dad."

"My family's life is far from perfect," I retort and decide to take out my phone to reply to Luke before he threatens to kill me.

"I guess I shouldn't judge a book by its cover, huh?"

"Yeah, you really shouldn't," I tell him and I can't help but rethink his character. He lives in this huge house, with a father, two at that, who obviously love him, so why does he decide to take an interest on drugs? Why does he not value education when he's surprisingly bright when he wants to be?

"I know what you're thinking," he says and I stare at him puzzled.

"Oh, really? Then, what am I thinking?"

"You're trying to figure me out. You're wondering why a kid like me that comes from all of this would ever be into getting stoned."

"You're right," I tell him honestly. "So are you going to tell me why?"

Unpredictable | Luke Hemmings & Calum Hood. (Cake/5SOS)Where stories live. Discover now