Chapter 48

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(A/N~ I've resurrected from wattpad death, brining an update as a apology because I've been busy with school stuff. I will see you all again Thursday with another update or so help me god I give you all permission to kill me. Enjoy!)

*Luke's POV*

"I'm not going to stand here and take this bullshit lecture from you when I don't deserve it!" I hear Jack yell to who I'm assuming is my mother from the living room as I walk in through the front door from dropping Calum off at Steven's house, well I guess their house for the time being.

Not many seconds later, Jack is storming out of the living room, climbing up the staircase two at a time angrily while I stand there, frozen in place, mentally debating on whether or not I want to get involved in the family's sudden conflict that seems to have nothing to do with me for once, surprisingly.

Peeking my head into the living room, my eyes catch the sight of my mother in my father's arms while he's gently whispering things in her ear. With that, I decide on checking Jack's current angry state instead of intruding on my parents.

Today's been a tiring day. It hadn't ended how I had anticipated it to, but I'm grateful it ended this way, with Calum and I talking because he needed to hear my side. He needed to hear that I didn't do what he assumed I did at the party willingly. I don't and didn't have intentions of hurting him. I promised I wouldn't, not anymore and I tend on keeping that promise this time no matter how difficult I make it for myself.

Calum always seems to lighten my mood even in the darkest of states as it was today. I can't really pinpoint how he does it, but he just does, maybe with his presence alone.

When I finally walk up the stairs, I'm met with the sound of Jack slamming his room door for the dramatic after effect of his anger.

I know something's up. Jack doesn't just not come down to dinner and he just doesn't yell at my mom without there being a logical, reasonable explantation to back it up with. It isn't him. It's so out of his character especially since he's the quiet one of us three. He's always obeying mother's orders and keeping Ben and I in line from time to time.

A part of me has a strong feeling it has something to do with my grandmother while another part prays it isn't. My grandmother's changed over the years, her outlook on me affecting this family as well as myself heavily, but no one takes it more to the heart than Jack.

Walking up to his room, I knock before opening the door without waiting for a reply.

Calling his name out and closing the door behind me, I sit on his bed, waiting for him to emerge from God knows where in this gigantic room.

Out of all the bedrooms, Jack has the 2nd biggest. Ben and I really don't know how he got this room, but he did and we envy him for it. His room has a walk-in closet and a huge bathroom that connects to Ben's room right next door.

Minutes pass before Jack appears from behind his bathroom door with sweats and a white t-shirt on.

"Hey," he tells me, throwing his clothes in his overflowing hamper.

"What's wrong?" I ask, wanting to cut straight to it. "How was the trip?"

"Shit," he mutters, sitting right next to me and I nod, wanting him to explain further.

"I'm so tired of going down there every few months, going to visit that old lady that just seems to not give a shit about you anymore. She isn't the same. All she does is talk about you as if you aren't even her grandson anymore, as if you're some disappointment when you're not."

I groan, laying back into the bed, knowing exactly where this going. "What'd you say to her?"

"I told her to fuck off. She was going on about how much of a shit son you are and how mom and dad should be ashamed because they made a gay kid who craves nothing but attention with his so-called problems. I just couldn't hold it in anymore and no one seemed to react, which angered me even more. Everyone's so afraid of her and I don't even understand why."

Unpredictable | Luke Hemmings & Calum Hood. (Cake/5SOS)Where stories live. Discover now