Chapter 53

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Making my way through the familiar cave tunnels, the familiar sound of water falling fills my ears, causing me to smile in delight once the opening of the pit comes to view as Luke and I walk through, hand-in-hand.

I've missed this place, our place, more than I'll ever understand.

Detaching my hand from Luke's, I'm able to walk around and take in the pit's pure beauty, staring out into the water falling and crashing up against the rocks. I take in the shiny wet cave rock surrounding us fully with every shiny stone in the sand surrounding the water fall. This place never ceased to take my breath away, never ceased to calm me just at the sight of it.

"Come here, love," Luke says, snapping me out of my intense gaze on the water fall as he's patting the sand space in between his legs for me to sit.

Obeying his words, I sit down in between his legs with mine sprawled out in the sand once he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to his chest as I lean back into him comfortably. Luke then kisses my cheek before laying his head on my shoulder. Subconsciously, my fingers begin to trace over his forearms around me.

The two of us don't talk, wanting to enjoy the sound of falling water pushing up against the rocks, surrounding us until we both decide to talk about what happened today.

I'm not sure if I want to tell him about Michael, wanting to cut him a break. I've placed so much shit onto him with telling him about Luke and I's relationship. I know he's adapting to the thought of us only being friends now and the last thing he needs is Luke's temper getting the best of him for Michael putting his hands on me. But I'm positive I need to tell him about Charlie. I can't keep letting the situation devour my thoughts with the way it's becoming too unbearable, quickly making me sick to my stomach.

"I got a call from Vanessa today," I tell Luke and he immediately tensed from behind me, but he makes no movement at all to push me away thankfully. "Well, I've been getting calls from her here and there, but yesterday, I decided on answering it."

"What did she want?" he asks emotionlessly, removing his head from my shoulder, but still keeping me close in his arms and pressed against his chest.

"She's pregnant," I tell him and he tenses again before hearing what I have to add on, "It isn't mine, I told you I've never." I sigh off, "It's Charlie's."

"She called you to tell you she's having Charlie's baby? What a bitch," he says, his mouth moving close to my ears.

"No, Charlie's missing. He's a bit unstable, repulsive, out of control and they can't find him. She called me to warn me, to let me know to keep my eyes out because I know how he reacts in these types of situations, me being the only one to ever experience it firsthand," I tell him.

"You think he's coming here to Amsterdam, don't you? Is that why you were acting like that today? Are you paranoid?" he asks and I nod my head in agreement, snuggling into him further for the comfort he provides.

"I'm just scared. He's ruthless in this state of mind and he's honestly capable of anything. Before I came here, he promised me something when I left him. He swore I'd never be happy again, not without him. He swore for as long as I'd live, I'd never be able to love or ever feel comfortable loving. He swore he would rip that from me, rip every last ounce of self-respect and self-esteem I have, like he hasn't already," I confessed to Luke, remembering the day perfectly. "For a moment, I almost forgot he swore all those things. For a moment, I thought everything was going to be okay, but unlike most people, Charlie keeps his word, always has."

"I don't want to be that Calum again. I don't want to be the Calum that doesn't eat, that thinks so negatively about himself after eating, that feels the need to stay locked in a bathroom for hours hurting himself and forcing the food out of his system. I don't have it in me to go back when I finally know what happiness feels like, when I finally know what being okay feels like after years of thinking I'd never."

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