Chapter 3

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I never realized how big the school really was until I had to look for the music room on my own. On the long walk there, it seemed like I was walking a marathon. I stumbled across Tyler. He was sitting in a corner, farthest down the hall to himself. When I reached the end, I saw his sad expression. It looked as if he were crying for hours. I then sat down right next to him. He looked at me disgusted, and I already knew what he was thinking so I answered his thoughts for him "I'm sorry for whatever you think I did," I muttered apologetically. He rolled his eyes at me and said, "It's your first day here and you manage to have my boyfriend confirm that I mean shit to him. I wouldn't categorized that as 'nothing'." I sighed. I didn't want to fight with him, and he'd been through enough today. I sat there in shock; I can't believe I'm feelings sympathy for this kid, who by the way, I can't fucking stand. "Luke likes you. I can tell by the way he was looking at you in class this morning. You're his next prey I believe; just be careful." I twist my head and shoot him a confused glare, clearly surprised by his words. "I'm straight. He won't affect me in anyway," I said trying to convince myself. I'm really fucking tired of everyone warning me about this Luke guy when I don't even like him, or guys for that matter. "That's never stopped him before," Tyler lets out almost like a whisper. "WHAT?" I fucking shouted. "Relax! Calm down. I'm just saying I was straight too, until Luke. He has this weird affect on people, especially guys for that matter," he stated, trying not to offend me. Please, you were probably gay already walking around in women uggs, I thought to myself and chuckled. He sent me a confused look and I took that as my cue to leave. "Bye," I muttered, not looking back to see whether he was following me or not.

By the time I actually found music class, there was only 10 minutes of class left. And just my luck, the only seat empty was by Luke. God has been so great today; I wonder what the fuck I did to deserve such high shitty honors, I think sarcastically to myself while taking the empty seat next to Luke. I glanced at him a couple times within the 10 minutes and just analyzed how he is. He doesn't seem like your typical gay, but nowadays, who does look like a typical gay? Movies are always stereotypical on these type of subjects. But something came across Luke; the way he presented himself didn't scream interested in guys at all. I would've thought he was a player, hooking up with girls and leaving them the next day. Turns out he is like that, but only with guys. Not shocking at all.

He looked straight at me and my eyes quickly looked away and I felt my cheeks flush. I was so embarrassed; he probably thought I was creep for staring at him. When I look back, peeking to see his reaction, he's grinning with his hands folded, looking forward. I sink into the back of my chair. Minutes later, the school bell rings, and finally, my first day of this dysfunctional high school is over.

I immediately run out of the classroom, only to get pushed into a set of lockers harder then I imagine. I fall to the ground and groan in pain. I suddenly feel kicking in my stomach. What the fuck is going on, I think to myself as I try to gain vision and see what is causing my pain. I look up and it's a blue headed boy, a brown head boy, and a slight blond. Tyler, Michael, and Ashton. I groan on my side, feeling nothing but pain. "Maybe that'll keep him from being a cock sucker," Tyler said, his anger loud and clear. Michael then turns and says, "Ugly fag," and everyone in the hall bursts out laughing in unison.

I can't feel my rib cage at all. I slowly began to get up, only to get kicked backed down by Ashton. My vision is still hazy but I manage to see a shocked and disgusted Luke coming in front of me. When his friends catch sight of him, his facial expressions completely turns from disgusted to amused within a blink of an eye. Everyone still laughing in the background, Luke spits at me, "You're pathetic. Tyler told me what you told him." My face was completely shocked as I quickly start thinking. I never told him anything, well nothing concerning Luke! He lied. He must've lied to Ashton and Michael as well. That shit head! My anger is boiling, and it got to the point where my anger overpowered my weak and painful body. Within seconds, I jumped and punched Tyler straight in the face, knocking him down to the ground and leaving him squirming. I pick up my bag and walk out of school. "You're all pathetic," I spit to everyone, while leaving. What a first day.

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