Chapter 9

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I smiled to myself while walking away from Luke's car, almost happy with myself. I probably looked like an idiot, but I didn't really care. I hardly ever care when I'm with Luke. He wanted me to go to his party, and I wanted to attend just as much, but my subconscious had other plans warning me of everything bad that can go wrong in just a couple hours.

As I walk in through the front door, I'm greeted by the smell of cleaning supplies. Mother must've actually pulled away from her writing and cleaned this damn house. It's about time. I look around and didn't see an unpacked box in sight. She must've kept herself busy; most of the house is designed the same way we've been designing it for years. I walk into the kitchen and sit at the table, realizing it's too quiet. Where the hell is my mother, I thought to myself, while gazing around the kitchen. My eyes then find a note on the fridge. I get up from my chair and read the note.

Out writing, won't be back till late tonight. I finished that packing so everything should be in it's rightful place. Finish unpacking your room and don't forget to lock up tonight! -Mom

I laughed to myself wondering what this crazy lady was doing around Amsterdam writing. I threw the note away and proceeded to my bedroom. I hadn't unpacked anything, actually. My book shelf and drawers stood in my large room empty. I didn't feel like unpacking. What's the point if we're just gonna get up and move again? I threw myself on my bed again when suddenly my phone beeped signaling I had a new text message

Hey babe, you should really come tonight I already miss you. :(

I smiled way too widely out of my control, but then sudden realization hit me. How the fuck did Luke get my number? Curiosity eating the fuck out me, I responded back with

"How the hell did you get my number Luke? You cease to amaze me with your stalking skills." I laughed while typing and hitting send.

A few seconds later I got a new text, from the same number, Luke.

The day in the dark, when I touched your bum, and walked you home. I stole your phone, remember? I put my number in your phone then and got yours. ;)

I blushed at the memory but quickly shook it off. It's only Luke I remembered, not Vanessa. I didn't really know how to respond back so 5 minutes later, I typed;

"Oh well, that's cool I guess. I didn't realize."

I hit send, not caring anymore where this conversation was going. A few seconds later, a new message appeared, and a smile crept on my face at the sight. He texted back so fast, and it made me feel so wanted, like I wasn't boring as shit, which I completely was.

Babe, are you coming? It's gonna be boring here without seeing you. It's starts at 10 and I would love for you to at least make an appearance on my birthday. :(

Aww, wait no. I replied seconds later with;
" I told you I'd think about it, Luke. What's the address? And stop calling me babe. I have a girlfriend."

Sometimes I wonder why does this kid even bother, I mean it's a loss cause. I'll never like him more than a friend. If we even are considered friends. I mean he treats me like utter shit 98 percent of the time, but then again he's actually really a nice guy the other 2 percent of the time. Why would he even like me anyway? He probably doesn't even like me. I'm just over thinking the situation. He can like that Tyler kid or even any guy for that matter. Anyone is just dying for Luke to just look at them, and I could give a fuck less, but yet I get all this unwanted and unneeded attention. It's so irritating. My phone beeped pulling me from my thoughts.

I frowned a little, the text wasn't from Luke, but Vanessa.

I'm thinking about going to visit you soon. Maybe tomorrow? You up for it? I miss you.

I groaned and threw my phone; I don't wanna see her if I'm being completely honest. Instead of replying back, I walked to one of my packed boxes labeled clothes and started rummaging through it. What exactly do you wear to a high school party? I've been to parties, just not high school ones; much older one's that I probably shouldn't even have been involved in. I ended up rummaging through the box for a good 30 minutes before picking out some blue washed-ripped jeans and a white t shirt, and a jean jacket with a grey hoodie inside, and some converse. Eh, it will have to do.

I laid back on the bed again, searching for my phone. Once I swiped it open, serval messages from Luke and Vanessa popped up.
I clicked Luke's contact name completely ignoring Vanessa's for the time being.

217 maple drive.

Does this mean your coming then cal?

it'll be oddly boring without you to annoy.

You like it when I call you babe though. Don't you babe? <3

Then, finally I scroll to the most recent one which was sent a minute ago.

People are here, hope to see you soon. x

It's now like 10:30, so I decide to read the messages from Vanessa to get it out of the way.

I really miss you cal, you've been so distant lately.

Fuck, I groaned and replied with;
" I'm sorry baby, you can come down tomorrow yeah? We'll spend the whole day together. Have a safe night flight and I'll see you in the morning. :) "

As much as I rather not see her, I have to. She IS my girlfriend who I've been ignoring quite a little so maybe her visiting will be good for the both of us.

I get up from my bed and shut the lights off while closing the door. I make sure all the lights are off throughout the house. I get my keys from the hall table, shut those lights off and proceeded to the door. Once I'm out, I lock it and make my way to the car. Anticipation for tonight already filling in me, I pull out my phone for one last quick text to Luke.
"I'm on my way now :)"
And with that, I put the key in the ignition, start the car, and pull out the drive way into the night.

Unpredictable | Luke Hemmings & Calum Hood. (Cake/5SOS)Where stories live. Discover now