Chapter 41

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Catching sight of the black Range Rover pulled up to the sidewalk in front of the school, I smile before heading toward it, knowing Luke's in there, but also knowing he has explaining to do for his absence today.

I open the door, slide in and close it softly. Looking Luke directly in the eyes, he seems tired. He seems ghostly pale, on the verge of lifelessness, but he doesn't dare show me that. Besides his appearance, he has a cheery attitude as he greets my worried look by kissing me on the cheek, then going back into his seat and pulling the car out onto the road.

As he grips the steering wheel turning onto the all too familiar highway, I see his hand bruised right around the knuckles, black and blue splotches scattered, as if he hit something with a hell of a lot of force.

"Don't ask," he pleads, catching my gaze on his hand before returning his eyes to the road ahead. "I'll explain everything. I promise, love."

The rest of the ride is silent, leaving me to fall victim to my own mind full of horrid thoughts and possible explanations as to how Luke's hand and his current state came to be.

Luke puts the car in park and locks my door before exiting, preventing me from opening it from the inside.

Luke walks in front of his car and rushes to open the door for me.

"Remember the first time I brought you here?" he questions as I slide my body so my legs dangle out the car, so Luke can place himself in between.

"You mean the time you forced me against my will after getting me really pissed in class?" I say and he smiles down at me, the color returning to him a little.

"Well, you still came and I did the exact same thing. I opened the door for you and you got upset."

"Because I'm very capable of opening my own door and I still am," I fire back and he laughs again, kissing my cheek.

"Well, sometimes I just like to know I can do things for you," he informs me, tugging on my hand to get out the car and he slams the door shut behind me.

"So why are we here?" I ask as I look around the all too familiar stone path with sand scattered around leading to the pit.

"This is our place and lately, we've both needed a desperate breather, and I'm not good at this sorta of thing so I just I thought we could sorta..." he rambles on and I encourage him to go on with it when sudden realization hits me.

"Is this a date?" I question, staring at a nervous Luke Hemmings whose skin just turn beet red within seconds.

"Yes, I mean no, well, yeah sorta, well if you wan-want it to be," he stutters out and I can't help but laugh at him as I pull him to my chest to hug him tightly.

"I would love for it to be," I tell him and I can feel him calm against me as we both walk to the pit through tunnels, soaking up all its glorious rock beauty that I've desperately missed.

"I'm not used to this. I don't really take people on dates or like go on them, well not real actual ones. So, I don't know, it's probably a bit much, but I just didn't know what to do with these sorta things and I was in the library looking at stupid books about people's first dates and I don't know," he begins rambling off as we reach the end of the tunnel, the sudden rush water being audible before it can be seen.

Once at the end of the path and the middle of the tunnel comes into view, we walk into the pit and my eyes are centered in the middle.

Their's a white blanket with a picnic basket, a huge one at that, with everything laid out nicely across the sheet from what I can see as we approach it. There's candles lit around the rock edges of the pit surrounding the water fall. Stopping in my tracks, I soak up the beauty of the pit, missing this heaven where nothing seems to ever go wrong, where it always is just Luke and I without outside or personal distractions throwing us off.

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