Chapter 27

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The rest of the school day came and went in a blink of an eye. Here I am now, standing outside the math room waiting for Mr. R to come and start Detention.

I sigh loudly to myself in the empty hallways, leaning against some lockers and feeling empty. I don't feel hurt nor sad. I don't feel anything really. I don't feel any of the pain I know I should be feeling at all my thoughts about Luke and Tyler. It's practically confirmed they were fucking at the sound of Tyler moaning his name louder than necessary. Like really? Who even moans that loud, especially when your in a fucking school for Christ's sake?

Michael smacks the back of my head and laughs. I jump, a little startled, at the fact he was even standing next to me. Maybe I was too deep in thought to realize he was next to me, I think to myself as he stops laughing and leans against the lockers with me, dropping his book bag to the floor.

"What'd he do?" he asks knowingly.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"You know what I'm talking about. What'd he do?"

"Am I that obvious?" I ask, shaking my head and chuckling more to myself and toward the way I'm feeling.

"Not really, but I know that look. It's way too familiar to me for me not to know he was the cause of it," he says kindly.

God, this is so fucking weird, I think to myself while pondering whether or not I'm going to tell him what happened. This is so weird. A couple of days ago, Michael would've probably jumped enthusiastically at the chance to physically hurt me in any way and now, here he is trying to help me. It's unbelievable how certain things can change your perspective of people and the way you are towards them.

"We got into an argument, and I left angry. He didn't care..." I trail off, debating with myself whether or not I was going to mention Tyler.

He seemed to catch on by looking at my quivering lip as the memory of the voices between the two being shared from earlier.

"He fucked Tyler, didn't he?" he says more than asks.

"Yeah, when I left. Tyler just went in there like I wasn't even there seconds before," I say in disgust, feeling my chest hurt.

"He has no boundaries," Michael says, bringing a hand to my back and rubs circles into my back.

I sigh in content at the comfort and lean back further into his touch. "I'm just tired," I say honestly. I'm so tired of Luke. I'm so tired of this back and forth and I'm so tired of feeling like a fucking pathetic little girl whenever it comes to him.

"I know the feeling. You don't have to deal with this, you know."

"Then why the hell do I?" I ask, annoyed.

"You should be asking yourself that."

I honestly don't know why I even bother with Luke. It's so pointless. Everything we ever do pointless. It means nothing to him, obviously, if he still feels the need to fuck Tyler every time something happens. Every time we take two steps forward, he sends us eight steps back and I can't keep up.

Who am I even kidding? I can't even admit I'm gay without feeling disgust for myself. Who am I to think Luke and I would ever actually become something when we can't even be fucking friends? He's made it clear he isn't capable of that and I have a living, breathing example standing right next to me, showing me just how incapable of caring for someone Luke actually is.

"He doesn't care, so why should I?" I shake off my thoughts as Michael gets closer to me, leaning his chin on my shoulder and looking up at me, sending me a smile.

Unpredictable | Luke Hemmings & Calum Hood. (Cake/5SOS)Where stories live. Discover now