Long Roads at Night

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Velvet lanes cut the unease
with the consistency
of my shaking nerves.
Colors viewed through an oil slick
shadow the realism of truth
without the incoherence of inebriation.
The calm is fuzzy and false
but the fuzz provides comfort
as the angles without it
destroy any concept of tranquillity
so needed and lacked
in the blaze of being.
The thoughts that swim
can't find their way to the front of my mind
in the darkness
and create a hazy blur of scenery
that I can imagine is beautiful
when illuminated
regardless of the accuracy.
We ignore the destination as the goal
for a moment.
For much like life
the destination seems as bleak as death.
The journey
for a moment
is allowed to lack the scraping of life
for time for the wounds caused by it
to bleed thought
and heal.
The distance is not long enough
for a turn to a new path
may lead to an end.
So we close our eyes to this possibility
with the ease of practiced ignorance
for a second of innocence
that will be stripped away
with the time of dawn.
These trips all amount to insignificance
yet we fear we won't sustain the feeling
when importance returns.
The fire will burn through this emotion
that we can't touch
that we can't name
to save.
But this fear is pressed
behind the curtain of night.
With the force of exhaust
we sink into the murky depths
of pondering the minor things
that float atop
the abyss we glide on.
And so we exit these roads
with long drawn sighs
that are unsure of the exact thing
we've lost.

(Sorry it's....long. Hahaha. But actually this is my favorite so be kind please.)

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