Push me down.

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I was pushed
but you say
I fell
from wherever.
Wasn't fucking heaven.
I was set up
with two left feet
and these cuts
and bruises
won't heal
and I look shit
in a turtle neck
but they're ugly
and I want to be pretty.
I think I do,
It doesn't really matter,
because in the end,
I still fell.
I feel
like I could reach out
and touch
the clouds.
Then I remember
that they would not be soft
but would instead
freeze my fingertips
and suddenly
they're so far away again.
I fell
but there was no vibrance
to my decent.
I am still
an off putting
shade of grey
and as is the blood
trickling through my veins
And spilling over paved paths
off to misery.

Emo ish. Sometimes I keep a chocolate bar in my bag for emergency days. This is one of them.

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