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Twisted minds and burning tongues
muddle brains with lies
made of matter once light
turned muddy from attention.
Words hot with fury
struggle towards a subject
but in constriction
splash like scalding oil
and burn flesh
leaving scars just beneath
that will be both judged
and neglected.
No silence lays comfortable
among quicksilver weasels
surrounding in an instant.
Shining iridescent colors
distract from the cause
of poison
and are so easily taken in
and spread to new vessels
that are infected and slowly broken down.
Vibrations shake sanity
as they hit innocent ears
with the force of our shattered confidence.
Without escape
and used as defense
weapons clouded and unseen
slice through a membrane
made of naïve faith.
Like hugging a cactus
to stop from tripping
they do as wished
but rarely as intended
much like the souls they form of.
"Harmless" as they invade
They leave a bad taste
and even worse effect.
No claws.
No fangs.
Not so much as speed.
Just words
that somehow kill worse.

I started this forever ago and just finished. The ending feels awkward; as I usually write a piece in one go. Oh well.

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