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I am terrified of seeming stupid. I don't mind being wrong, but I refuse to seem stupid. Even for a moment. The thing is, youth is stupid. People are stupid. We will never know even one thing about every subject. We will say things that are wrong. And that's terrifying. I can immediately tell you the boiling of water in Fahrenheit but no picture comes to mind with the word "transmission." What would I do if someone saw through what I was saying? When I was 13, I came to a realization. You can say anything, and as long as you use impressive vocabulary and speak with confidence, people will believe you. I've come to think it's because we're all faking it. I wonder if promoting a society where you have to google questions instead of have a real discussion and admit you don't know something is really making us better. Ignorance shouldn't be celebrated, but we aren't going anywhere just pretending we know things. People walk around spouting things off with heads held high more worried about whether people will listen than whether it's right. I would know. I do it too. In fear of seeming stupid, I refuse to learn.

Quick note for anyone who reads this far. I've aimed for this story to reach 100 parts. And, at 79, we're reaching that. This is just getting to a point of long where I don't think anyone will read until the end. Thanks if you are.

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