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The next day, Gabriel had seen Sam. He was conversing with a man shorter than him. He had dirty blonde hair and despite being shorter he looked older. The incident that occurred days ago no longer bothering him. He smiled to himself clutching his bag that draped over his small shoulders.

Gabriel had gotten dressed rather quickly in the morning and even missed out on breakfast his older brother had made for him. He didn't know why he was in a rush though. He rushed out of the house and grabbed his backpack which he slung over his shoulders and again he walked to the club building. That's when he saw Sam walking opposite sidewalk walking out of one of the coffee shops with a large iced coffee in his hands.

When Sam noticed Gabriel, Gabe wasn't looking. He stared in front of him stuck in his mind and didn't notice Sam and the mystery man walking closer to him switching sides of the non-busy road.

Gabe didn't notice anything until a hand clasped his shoulder and he turned to his side to see Sam and the shorter one standing there both towering over him.

"Hey Gabriel" Sam said with a smile. "This is my older brother Dean" The guy smiled and waved but went straight to his phone as it made a text tone sound. Sam shrugged him off and Gabe and him talked. It wasn't that much talking as Sam was awkward and Gabriel didn't show any signs of worry which made Sam even more awkward.

Dean eventually walked off after promising Sam a ride home and he was gone leaving the two by themselves to walk in the building. "What was he doing anyway, your brother?" Gabriel asked deciding to cure his curiosity.

"Oh, he was on some stupid dating app talking to someone, I'm glad he's conversing and all but... Dating apps?" The atmosphere was back. The lighthearted conversations and it still felt like they were old friends catching up.

"I would say I know what that feels like but... My brother isn't into dating apps" Gabriel opened up just a smidge more.

"So what are you doing after club is over?" Sam asked opening a door for Gabriel who was initially going to open the door himself but let his hands down quickly feeling slightly embarrassed as he brushed a few strands of hair behind his ears. They walked in and took a seat at one of the clubs café tables. Yeah, they had their own café inside this office type building.

"Nothing really, just going home" Gabriel had gotten used to that over the years. Going home alone while other people hung out and spent time with them, he never had the luxury.

"Good, you're coming to my house, we just moved in several days ago. Finished packing and decorating." So that's the reason he was missing , not like I cared anyway  Gabriel thought not even thinking about how he had just been invited to someone's house he barely even knew. "So we can get to know each other more, not trying to be a creep or anything" Gabe nodded and got up towards the counter and ordered himself a Mocha Swiss and sat back down waiting for them to call him up. It didn't take that long and he was called back up.

|Lonely Hearts Club| Sabriel  ✓Where stories live. Discover now