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They were packing clothes, making sure to get their special clothes as they were going to drive down to another town which was about three hours away. They were going to Ellen's house for thanksgiving this year since they switch every year between Mary and Ellen. They finished and all checked how they looked.

"Do I look okay?" Gabriel asked showing off his new sweater he bought which had a turkey wearing sunglasses on It. He looked adorable with his hair not styled but still looked amazing. Sam nodded fixing his tie one last time and he slipped on a jacket and slipping on his shoes.

Dean and Castiel were packing their bags in the car. They didn't as they were only staying for about four days as Ellen had only heard of the boys love life through Bobby who had met the Novak's. He knew Castiel first as he kept visiting the shop even if his car didn't need to be fixed. He came to bring lunch to Dean and to make out in the office, that wasn't a sight he wanted to see.

After grabbing his jacket Gabriel walked out inside baby with Sam following to lock the doors and they got in the car Gabriel and Castiel in the backseat. Sam got shotgun and they started their drive. It was early, yes, but they had to get there before anyone else because they wanted to pick the good bedroom before Mary or Jo(who was bringing Charlie with her).

The drive was long and Cas and Gabe ended up falling asleep on each other, Gabe's head laying on Cas's shoulder and Cas's head pressed up against Gabriel's head both of them breathing softly. Cas was softly snoring and the two brothers up front couldn't help but smile and Sam started to record them for a bit then angled the camera to face him as he silently mouthed "We love you" and pointed it at Dean who gave a quick thumbs up with a nod and then the light turned green and he focused back on the road.

They stopped for a pee break and Castiel and Gabriel had gotten up going in the gas station where they stopped to go in and buy some snacks. Castiel made sure to get a bunch of beef jerky and some black licorice knowing how Dean loved them. Gabriel got his buttload of candy and got Sam a lot of food, a salad and two sandwiches with water knowing how his baby at ea lot and loved healthy stuff. When they got back into the car Sam and Dean switched roles of driving so Dean could take his nap while the three started to sing to Sam's usic as he plugged his phone in with the aux cord he brought.

Dean would've killed him but, he had a rule, and Dean was now shotgun. They finally passed their second hour of driving. Still early in the morning but they didn't care. Gabriel watched his two pies he baked sitting on the cars floor not being disturbed just sitting still. He knew that Dean was going to be itching to eat it as soon as they would get to their destination. This time it was quiet as Sam drove through another exit and they stopped for another pee break and Castiel offered to drive as he had slept the most out of all three(they stood up watching America's Next Top Model while Cas was being responsible and sleeping).

Cas drove with one hand on the wheel and the other holding Dean's running his thumb over Dean's knuckles and Sam and Gabriel talked. Not about anything much. Books they read, some random news they thought was pretty funny. Castiel plugged his phone it, playing his and Gabe's favorite playlist they made together which consisted of Stephen, EDEN, The Eden Project, and Crywolf. They were the shit.

Sam enjoyed it, lyrics were amazing, stories behind them and their messages were absolute gold and they finally reached Ellen and Bobby's home. Gabriel wondered why Bobby worked about two hours away from his home but Sam explained that he wanted to be near his boys as much as his wife and daughter. He loved his family. Couldn't bear to part with them.

They got out and stared at the house... This was going to be a great Thanksgiving!

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