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Gabriel was ready to go that morning having texted Sam minuets ago if he wouldn't mind picking him up and of course Sam agreed.

Sam left after being there for a few hours or so and they hugged goodbye and Sam drove home. Soon after Castiel had gotten home and of course teased Gabriel about how his 'Boyfriend' looked like a good guy which made Gabriel go in defense mode rambling on and on how he had know idea what Cassie meant when he asked if he liked Sam.

Of course he didn't.

Sam finally came and beeped a couple of times which signaled him to open the door and walk out but was stopped when his phone vibrated in his pocket as he was halfway to Sam's car.

"Go for a kiss or you're being locked outside after club"

Gabriel shook his head in annoyance and hopped in the car and they went to club together and did normal circle hour and even tried a few trust exercises. It seemed time slipped by like nothing. Sam and Gabriel were distracted with each others company.

Blindfolds covered their vision as one another guided them taking turns. "Straight. Okay stop! Turn"

After though Sam and Gabe went back to Sam's place and started to talk more about themselves.

"How many people have you dated Gabe?" That question made Gabriel ponder. They were laid on Sam's bed. Could've talked about anything but Sam chose to talk about love life? Did it really matter?

"Not that many," Gabe said shifting on the bed a bit grabbing onto the bottom of his jacket to the zipper playing with it "Two people. I mostly had crushes that were never fulfilled. How about you big man?" Gabe retorted Sam's question with a smirk he then gazed back up at Sam still toying with his jacket as it calmed him down. He was so close to Sam.

"Uh" He chuckled "About four" Wait... That was it? Sam had perfect brown locks with no split ends as the eye could see. His eyes often changed from a green to a turquoise and at times it would change to a soft warm gold mixed with hazel but that was only If the sun hit them. Who wouldn't like him? Even his moles were cute his teeth were straighter than him!

"You're lying" Gabe was in disbelief, there was no way in hell this hunk of a man had only been with four people.

"All of them were women," He brushed his hair behind his ear "I finally realized it was me that felt not complete. That's how I knew I was gay y'know? I didn't feel the way I felt with women like I did men. Years with someone and you realize it's not enough, it's not being selfish" Gabe lost in Sam's eyes slowly nodded.

"It's not selfish to want to be happy?" Gabe whispered to himself.

Then Gabe sat up. Sam followed resting a hand on Gabriel's lower back. They came to the edge of the bed. "Sam..." Gabriel softly muttered. Sam patted his lap and Gabe got the sign and laid his head against Sam's legs that were off the bed feet resting on the floor. Gabe would never do this with just anyone, wouldn't allow himself to be this vulnerable but even in the little time he had known Sam he felt safe with Sam. Felt like he could trust him with anything.

"What ended your past relationships Gabriel?" Sam asked brushing hid hands through Gabe's hair softly resting his hand on his neck which was covered by his jackets collar.

"Me" Was all Gabriel could say as his eyes drooped to the floor. Sam didn't want to break a wall Gabe had built for people to not get in but felt like he had to. That it was necessary. He had to know Gabriel more so he could help him. He felt very protective of him. Even if he understood how he felt, he wanted Gabriel to reveal his shattered self so Sam could heal him.

"What do you mean 'You'?" Sam tried to carefully place his words. Even if he knew exactly what Gabe meant.

"I... I'm selfish okay?" His voice cracked. "I want attention, sometimes I just want to curl up in a ball and be loved by someone. I joke around too much, I don't eat healthy, I talk too much sometimes really loud and that just makes me annoying. I'm not compatible with anyone" Gabriel was in tears covering his face which was turning red eyes turning puffy.

"Hey, hey, hey, that's not true. Don't beat yourself up." Sam picked Gabriel up and held him close to his chest. "You're not going home tonight. You'll stay here and we're skipping club. Gabe had not said anything but nodded. His tears staining Sam's shirt.

"Sorry" Gabe said.

Sam cupped Gabe's cheeks and placed a soft kiss to his temple not going for what he truly wanted. Doing that to a person as vulnerable as Gabriel was now would be wrong. It'd be by force and Sam didn't want that.

"C'mon" Sam got up from his bed and grabbed one of his shirts and passed Gabe one of his shirts from his drawer and he himself started to strip and get dressed but Gabriel placed the shirt over his head hiding the view feeling a little pervy so he didn't continue to stare. He only saw the muscles rippling from his back as he removed the shirt but the rest was up to his pervy mind.

Sam turned to see Gabriel changing as well. Pale skin showed from under his shirt and Sam just calmly turned around jaw clenching and he walked out the room saying he'd be right back. He ran hands through his hair taking in deep breaths. He saw a part of Gabriel, probably the first time he'd ever been nervous about seeing another males body. He's seen a lot of men by just going to the beach and a couple of men whom he'd had a one night stand with. Even with that it still makes no sense why he was nervous. Sure, he liked Gabriel but doesn't mean he should be all wacky he's  supposed to be the  structured one.

He went to his linen closet and grabbed an extra pillow for Gabriel and came back to the room to see Gabriel already asleep curled up in a ball Sam's shirt draping over Gabriel's body his hair a mess.

Sam knew this was going to be interesting.

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